Vol 11, No 1, 2012 pp. 9-20
UDC 165.2:114

(Various Views of a Body in a Certain Place in Space)

Srboljub S. Dimitrijević
University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia
Email: srboljub.dimitrijevic@filfak.ni.ac.rs

The philosophy of the spirit, consciousness, subjectivity, etc. whether it resides on logos or maybe on emotional-voluntary guidelines or on eros, philosophy on the platonic-Christian trail cannot solve the problem of place, body and space without making them appear to be illusions, without overcoming them and thus proving them to be the subject matter of spiritual work. Even the type of philosophy which starts from a materialist viewpoint does not solve things in a different way, and instead favors the same position as the previous one since it also introduces a principle which transcends the fact that a body can be found in a certain location in space. Both of these approaches annul places, bodies and space. Neither one of them is considered unique. For that reason, the question of in which part and for what reason in the process of obtaining knowledge do we resort to reifications? Are we aware of what it means and what a change in the location of the body brings? Are we today in such a situation, precisely because of the way in which we see them?
Key words: place, body, space, knowledge, viewpoint, belief, content of knowledge, object of knowledge.

(Viđenje tela na nekom mestu u prostoru)
Filozofija duha, svesti, subjektiviteta itd., bilo da počiva na logosu ili pak na emotivo-voljnim odrednicama ili erosu, filozofija na platonovo-hrišćanskom tragu ne može da reši pitanje mesta, tela i prostora a da ih ne učini prividom, ne nadiđe i u tome prikaže predmetom rada duha. Čak i ona filozofija koja polazi od materijalističkih pozicija ne rešava stvari na drugačiji način, već je na istoj poziciji kao i ova prethodna pošto i ona uvodi princip koji transcenduje činjenicu da je telo na nekom mestu u prostoru. I jedan i drugi pristup nište mesta, tela i prostor. Ni jedno od njih nije poštovano u samovaženju ili "viđeno na svom mestu" kao unikatno. Zato je pitanje, u kom delu i zašto u procesu saznanja činimo ovakva postvarenja? Da li smo svesni toga šta znači i do čega dovodi promena mesta tela u prostoru? Da li smo danas u takvoj situaciji, baš zbog načina njihovg viđenja?
Ključne reči: mesto, telo, prostor, saznanje, pozicija viđenja, verovanje, sadržaj saznanja, predmet saznanja