Vol 2, No 8 2001 pp. 569 - 592
UDC 18.01+19 Hajdeger

Vladimir Djokić

Abstract. Traditionally, art has been defined as essentially mimetic. Indeed, making things ever more complicated, mimesis (as a difference between the original and the copy) iz constitutive of the very possiblility of philosophy as thinking of (ontological) difference as a difference between Being and beings - origin, ground, principle, idea, on the one hand; and being, appearance, etc., on the other. In his project of overcoming aesthetics or what I call, recalling the movement back (ANA) or against (A), 'anaesthetics.' Heidegger tries to rethink art without recourse to the traditional determination of art as mimessis but, instead, in terms of his conception of truth which itself already attempts to exclude the mimetic dimension of the traditional conception of truth as agreement. I attempt to demostrate that by so radically excluding mimesis Heidegger reaffirms it. More concretely, in his efforts at thinking Being as such, in its properness and purity, Haidegger reinscribes (translates, mimetizes) a properly metaphysical gesture of identification which, by necessarily passing through and always already appropriated and indifferent Other, reestabliches the well-known subordinations and hierarchies. And all this, on a 'textual level,' through a constant (yet unaddressed and unacknowledged) recourse to tropes and metaphores, illustrations and analogies - in a word, 'mimesis'. He thus - as if aneasthesized - falls victim to his own (an)aesthetics.

Umetnost je, tradicionalno gledano, tvrdi Hajdeger, u suštini mimeza. Mimeza, međutim, ne definiše samo umetnost već, kao razlika između originala i kopije, kostituiše samu mogućnost filozofije kao promišljanja (ontološke) razlike kao razlike između bitka i bića - porekla, osnove, principa, ideje, s jedne strane; i bića, pojave, itd., s druge strane. Projekat Hajdegerovog prevazilaženja estetike stoga se mora sagledati u okviru opšteg projekta prevazilaženja metafizike. Prevazilaženje estetike Hajdeger nastoji da izvrši jednim novim promišljanjem umetnosti - ovog puta ne oslanjajući se na tradicionalno uslovljavanje umetnosti kao mimeze već, umesto toga, na svoju koncepciju istine koja sama po sebi već isključuje mimetičku dimenziju tradicionalne koncepcije istine kao slaganja. Osnovna teza ovog rada sastoji se u tvrdnji da, i pored tolikog njenog isključivanja, Hajdeger ponovo utvrđuje mimezu. Preciznije govoreći, u svom nastojanju da (pro)misli bitak kao takav, u svojoj osobenosti i čistoti, Hajdeger ponovo ispisuje metafizički gest identifikacije koji, nužno prolazeći kroz (od)uvek aproprijatizovano i indiferentno Drugo, opet uspostavlja dobro poznate subordinacije i hijerarhije. I sve ovo, na 'tekstualnom nivou,' uz pomoć stalnog (ali nikada eksplicitnog ili priznatog) oslanjanja na trope i metafore, ilustracije i analogije - rečju, 'mimezu'.