Vol.3, No 1, 2005 pp. 93 - 108
UDC 658.581

Pedja Milosavljevic1, Klaus Rall2
1University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CIM TTC Laboratory,
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš
2Technical University Hamburg-Harburg
Department for Machine Tools and Automation Technology
Denickestrasse 17, 21073 Hamburg, Germany

Abstract. Today, only those companies which are capable of permanent and fast adaptation to quickly-changing conditions can survive. The customer expects an excellent quality of products or services offered to him, and pays only those prices which are more favorable than the competition in the market. In order for a company to remain competitive and maintain maximal efficiency and availability of all its plants, what is needed is an approach different from the traditional concept of maintenance. The concept which enables maximal efficiency of plants must take into account the entire system, man-plant-environment; besides, it must apply continual measures to prevent all losses, whereby the maintenance process is permanently improved. This is possible to achieve by applying Total Productive Maintenance and Six Sigma concept in the maintenance of plants, which, through autonomous maintenance, places greater responsibility on operators concerning the state of the plant they are in charge of, which relieves maintainers, develops mutual confidence between operators and maintainers, increases the morals, and ensures greater commitment to work. All this ensures the achievement of a World-Class company through continual improvement of the maintenance process, with the ultimate goal of reaching the Six Sigma level.
Key Words: Six Sigma, TPM, Maintenance, Technical Systems, Improvement of Processes.

Danas na tržištu opstaju samo ona preduzeća koja su sposobna za stalno i brzo prilagođavanje uslovima koji se menjaju velikom brzinom. Kupac očekuje izuzetan kvalitet proizvoda ili usluga koje mu se pružaju, a plaća samo cene koje su povoljnije od konkurencije na tržištu. Da bi preduzeće ostalo konkurentno i održalo maksimalnu efikasnost i raspoloživost svojih postrojenja, potreban je pristup koji se razlikuje od tradicionalnog koncepta održavanja. Koncept koji omogućuje maksimalnu efikasnost postrojenja mora da posmatra celokupni sistem: čovek-postrojenje-okruženje i primenjuje kontinualne mere za otklanjanje svih gubitaka, čime se proces održavanja stalno poboljšava. Ovo je moguće ostvariti primenom totalnog produktivnog održavanja i Six Sigma koncepta u održavanju postrojenja, koji preko autonomnog održavanja rukovaocima daje veću odgovornost za stanje postrojenja koje im je povereno, čime se rasterećuju održavaoci, razvija međusobno poverenje između rukovaoca i održavaoca, povećava moral i postiže veća privrženost poslu. Sve ovo omogućava postizanje World-Class preduzeća, kontinualnim unapređenjem i poboljšanjem procesa održavanja, sa konačnim ciljem dostizanja nivoa Six Sigma.
Ključne reči: Six Sigma, TPM, održavanje, tehnički sistemi, poboljšanje procesa