Vol.2, No 9, 1999 pp. 843-846
UDC: 531
V.A. Vujičić
Mathematical institute SANU, 11001 Beograd,
P.O.Box 367, Yugoslavia
Abstract. The most common expression
for action in physics and mechanics now is ? , where L is Lagrange's function,
and for integral variational principle the relation delta J = 0. We define
action as the functional Adt, where A is the work of the forces along
real path and emphasize clear difference between elementary work dA = X
dx of forces X, X element Rn+1,
along real displacement and elementary work delta A = X delta x of the
same forces on possible variations of coordinates x, x ? Mn+1. We define
the principle of acton by the relation
where A(X) is the work of all forces X
and A(I) is the work of the force of intertia I and show that known variational
principles of mechanics are corollaries of the relation (W).
Za pojam dejstva u fizici i mehanici najčešće
se uzima integral ?, gde je L Lagranžova funkcija, a za integralni
varijacioni princip uzima se relacija delta J = 0.
Ovde se definiše dejstvo sila kao funkcional
Adt , gde je A rad sila duž stvarnog puta; ističe se jasna razlika između
elementarnog rada dA = Xdx sila X duž stvarnog pomeranja dx i elementarnog
rada tih sila na mogućim varijacijama delta x.
Princip dejstva sila, ili prosto princip
dejstva iskazuje se relacijom
? ,
gde je A(X) rad sila X i A(I) rad sila
inercije I; pokazuje se da se poznati integralni varijacioni principi klasične
mehanike javljaju kao posledice ovako ustanovljenog principa.