Vol.2, No 10, 2000 pp. 1403-1413
UDC 531.36:539.4(045)
Vladimir B. Bajić
Centre for Engineering Research, Technikon Natal, P.O.Box 953, Durban 4000,
South Africa, E-mail: bajic.v@cer.co.za, http://www.cer.co.za/staff/bajic.html

Abstract. This paper discusses the general problem of stability and other solution properties of descriptor systems that contain fuzzy logic components, and presents a general methodology for such an analysis. The approach is based on the second method of Lyapunov and the generic concepts which describe system behaviour. Fuzzy logic components are allowed in the system model description. These and other system nonlinearities are used to enhance system analysis. Different algebraic conditions are presented for verification of specific time-evolution properties for all system descriptor variables. These conditions are based on partial algebraic constraints contained in the model.

U ovom radu razmatra se generalni problem stabilnosti i drugih svojstava rešenja descriptor systema koji sadrže komponente fuzzy logike i predstavlja opštu metodologiju za takvu analizu. Pristup se zasniva na drugom metodu Ljapunova i generičkim konceptima koji opisuju ponašanje sistema. Komponente fuzzy logike su dozvoljene u opisu modela sistema. Ove i druge nelinearnosti sistema se koriste da pojačaju analizu sistema. Za verifikaciju specifičnih svojstva koja se menjaju tokom vremena za sve promenljive deskriptora predstavljeni su različiti algebarski uslovi. Ovi uslovi se zasnivaju na parcijalnim algebarskim ograničenjima u modelu.