Vol.7, No 1, 2009 pp. 11-29
UDC 13 + 329.18
Časlav D. Koprivica
Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: caslavk@ptt.rs

The goal of our contribution is to provide a programmatic foundations of a binding political paradigm. The outline has two main parts, where the first one gives philosophical principles justifying a few most fundamental ("metaphysical") positions (1. Only that which is organized as a system can be sustainable. 2. The sustention of the entirety of being is a value in itself. 3. The system can be sustained because the totality of being is always orientated to a pre-given model, whose sustention does not depend on the current condition of everything that enters (or should enter) the whole of the system. 3a: The inherently assembled whole is different from the totality of a random variety as much as its “ingredients” are pervaded by the internal substantive form emerging from the principle of the whole.), while the second part lays out practical, both individually ethical and generally political implications of the postulates given above. The text also has three appendices in which, in accordance with the programmatic part of the contribution, we attempt to anticipate and initiate a dialogue with possible objections and dilemmas over our principal theses or their consequences. In an effort to avoid an ideological type of language, the contribution fundamentally and systematically abstains from classifications, alternatives, and affiliations intrinsic to traditional ideologies.
Key words: National programme, political theory, common cause, crisis, totality, metaphysics.

Namjera našega priloga je da na programski način izloži osnovne postave jedne obavezujuće političke paradigme. Nacrt ima dva glavna dijela od kojih prvi obuhvata načelno-filosofski dio u kojem se navode i obrazlaže nekoliko najnačelnijih (“metafizičkih”) stavova (1. Samo ono što je ustrojeno kao poredak može biti održivo; 2. Održavanje u biću cjeline bivstvujućega predstavlja samostalnu vrijednost; 3. Cjelina poretka svega bivstvujućega se održava zahvaljujući ugledanju na neki uzor, 3a. Cjelina bivstvujućega posjeduje unutrašnju formu koja je održava u biću.), dok drugi izlaže praktične, dakle i individualno-etičke i skupno-političke implikacije prethodno izloženih stavova. Tekst je snabdjeven i trima dodacima u kojima, u dosluhu sa programskim dijelom priloga, nastojimo da anticipiramo i uđemo u dijalog sa mogućim prigovorima i nedoumicama oko nekih naših glavnih teza ili pak njihovih posljedica. U prilogu se, u nastojanju da se izbjegne ideološki govor, načelno i sistematski apstrahuje od podjela, alternativa i afilijacija koje su svojstvene tradicionalnim ideologijama.
Ključne reči: nacionalni program, teorija politike, opšta stvar, kriza totalitet, metafizika.