Vol.9, No 2, 2011 pp. 107 - 114
UDC 81'33

Ivana Stojanović-Prelević
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, Serbia
E-mail: ivanas@filfak.ni.ac.rs

Theory of communication describes communication as speech acts which produce communicative intentions. Grice thinks that it is important for successful communication that the hearer recognizes the speaker's communicative intention. For Relevance Theorists, intention determines truth conditions of utterance content. Meaning determination is an inference process which aims at the articulation of the speaker's intention. It is not just the communicative intention phenomenon which determines meaning; implicatures and explicatures do so, too. Grice distinguishes between the content of "What is said" and "What is implicated". "What is said" is equated with the truth-conditional content of the utterance and with sentence meaning, while "what is implicated" is equated with the pragmatic domain (communicative intention). Relevance Theorists have a different view, according to which linguistic semantics is the output of a modular linguistic decoding system and serves as an input to a pragmatic processor. In this paper, the author will present the distinction between Grice's and Relevance Theorists' (Sperber and Wilson, Carston) determination of the communicative intention and the implicature/explicature distinction.
Key words: communicative intention, implicature, explicature, Grice circle

Teorija komunikacije opisuje komunikaciju pomoću govornih činova koji realizuju komunikacijsku nameru. Grajs smatra da je nužan uslov za uspešnu komunikaciju da slušalac prepozna govornikovu nameru. Po teoretičarima relevancije, namera određuje istinosne uslove sadržaja izricanja. Tako bi određenje značenja mogli opisati kao inferenciju čiji je cilj artikulisanje govornikove namere. Pored namere, pri određivanju značenja izricanja, pomažu eksplikature i implikature, o kojima će takođe biti reči u radu. Grajs razlikuje "Ono što je rečeno" i "Ono što je implicirano". Prvo je određeno istinosnim uslovima a drugo komunikacijskom namerom. Teoretičari relevancije imaju drugačije stanovište, po njima je semantika autput dekodirajućeg sistema i služi kao input pragmatičkom procesu. Autor u radu predstavlja distinkciju između stanovišta Grajsa i teoretičara relevancije, kako o određenju Eksplikature/Implikature tako i o ulozi komunikacijske namere.
Ključne reči: komunikacijska namera, implikatura, eksplikatura,Grajsov krug