Facta Univ. Ser.: Elec. Energ., vol. 22, No. 2, August 2009, pp. 143-158

Lebesgue Points of Multi-Dimensional Functions

Nathan Ida, Sergey Yuferev, and Luca Di Rienzo

Abstract: This paper discusses the general issues, derivation, implementation and applications of Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions (SIBCs) in the time- and frequency-domains. A comprehensive approach based on perturbation methods leads to SIBCs of desired order of approximation as well as systematic implementation within existing formulations for linear and nonlinear media. The approach described here also allows evaluation of errors and appropriateness of SIBCs for specific applications. A suite of SIBCs is proposed, suitable for use in a wide range of practical applications and formulations including FEM, FDTD, FIT and BEM. A general toolbox that can be used for derivation of SIBCs for the users’ specific formulation and application has been developed and is described here as well.

Keywords: Surface impedance boundary conditions, perturbation methods, skin effect, electromagnetic field formulations.
