Facta Univ. Ser.: Elec. Energ., vol. 15, No. 2, August 2002, 281-294

On Pivot Rules for Simplex Method of Interior Points, and their Investigation on Klee-Minty Cube

Knarik Tunyan

Abstract: In [25] it was proposed a parametric linear transformation, which is a "convex" combination of the Gauss transformation of elimination method and the Gram-Schmidt transformation of modified orthogonalization process. Using this transformation, in particular, elimination methods were generalized, Dantzig's optimality criterion and simplex method were developed [26].

The essence of the simplex method development is the following. At each s-th step the pivot (positive) vector of length k_s is selected, that allows us to move to improved feasible solution after the step of the generalized Gauss-Jordan complete elimination method. In this method the movement to the optimal point takes place over pseudobases, i.e., over interior points. This method is parametric and finite.

Since the method is parametric there are various variants to choose the pivot vectors (rules), in the sense of their lengths and indices. In this article we propose three rules, which are the development of Dantzig's first rule. These rules are investigated on the Klee-Minty cube (problem) [14,31]. It is shown that for two rules the number of steps necessary equals to 2n, and for third rule we obtain the standard simplex method with the largest coefficient rule, i.e., the number of steps for solving this problem is 2^n-1.

Key words: Simplex method of interior points, pseudobasis, Klee-Minty cube, generalized Gauss-Jordan complete elimination method

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