Facta Univ. Ser.: Elec. Energ., vol. 15, No. 2, August 2002, 253-263

The Shannon-Kotelnikov Wavelet in Weighted Spaces

Spartak G. Rafaelyan

Abstract: The equivalence between interpolation, uniqueness and basicity in spaces of entire functions is one of the fundamental facts used in investigation of basis sets in weighted spaces of functions. Hilbert spaces of entire functions are naturally mapped onto several weighted Lebesgue spaces without changing the basis properties of a set. This approach makes it possible to use some well known results of the theory of entire functions for investigation of the Schannon-Kotelnikov system in the weighted Lebesgue spaces L^2(|x|^omega dx).

Key words: Wavelet, Hilbert space, Schannon-Kotelnikov system.

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