Abstract: This paper presents an experimental object oriented system that provides operating system level support for distributed transactions that operate on share objects. Transactions are a common construct that distributed programming environments provide in order to maintain the consistency of distributed information in the presence of partial failure and concurrency. The goal of constructing a transactions support in a distributed object oriented system is to make transactions available as a fundamental programming constructs for reliable distributed computing; on the other hand, the distributed environment can be used to exploit the parallelism in some computation within transactions. This paper presents the basic components of a distributed object oriented system based on transactions processing and its implementation on a local network of DEC Stations 3000 under OSF/1 vers 1.32 and Zenith PC under Linux 1.2.8 and on a NOVELL network under NetWare 3.11. Basic transport-level communication is performed by TCP/IP, UDP/IP via an Ethernet and by IPX, respectively.
Keywords: Operatig system, UNIX, distrubuted programming, NOVELL, Linux.