Vol.11, No 1, 2013 pp. 35 - 45
UDC 666.185:620.9(083.74)=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1301035S

Jelena Savić, Danijela Đurić-Mijović, Veliborka Bogdanović
University of Niš, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia
E-mail: jelena.savic@gaf.ni.ac.rs
Glass is an ancient building material, which facilitated penetration of light into buildings. Once it was used exclusively for window panes, whereas nowadays there are examples of structures made of glass only. Apart from the traditional non-bearing application in engineering, it is progressively used for construction of bearing elements. The progressively stricter regulations dealing with energy efficiency of the buildings gives rise to application of special characteristics glass of high performance, but also to the more intensive research in this field. The adequate choice of the glass type can to a great extent improve the energy efficiency of the building.. The paper gives a literature review of today’s available architectural glass types as well as their characteristics and developing tendencies. Also a review of standards, both national and international once is provided.
Key words: architectural glass, types, special coatings, energy efficiency, structural use, future development, legislation.

Staklo je drevni građevinski materijal koji je omogućio prodor svetlosti u objekat. Nekada korišćeno skoro isključivo za zastakljivanje prozora a danas postoje primeri konstrukcija izgrađenih u celosti od stakla. Pored tradicionalne nekonstruktivne primene u građevinarstvu, staklo se sve češće koristi za izradu nosećih elemenata. Pooštravanjem propisa u oblasti energetske efikasnosti zgrada stvaraju se uslovi za primenu specijalnih vrsta stakala visokih performansi, kao i potreba za intenzivnijim istraživanjem u ovoj oblasti. Adekvatan izbor stakla može u velikoj meri da poboljša energetsku efikasnost zgrade. Rad daje prikaz dostupnih vrsta arhitektonskog stakla, kao i njihove karakteristike i tendencije za dalji razvoj. Takođe je dat pregled standarda i propisa, kako nacionalnih tako i međunarodnih.
Ključne reči: arhitektonsko staklo, vrste, specijalni premazi, energetska efikasnost, konstruktivna primena, razvojne tendencije, regulativa