Vol.9, No 1, 2011 pp. 177 - 192
UDC 725.26+339.175=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1101177T

Branka Timotijević
Energoprojekt-Industrija, Belgrade, Serbia
Provision of healthy nutrition, continuous supply with fresh, quality and price acceptable food, along with the intensive increase in the number of citydwellers, shows that the planning and construction of fresh food wholesale markets is necessary. Modern wholesale markets are technological and commercial complexes with considerable size of built-up areas, roads and extensive infrastructure. Large number of factors affects the planning and design of wholesale markets. Important factor affecting the spatial and functional solution for fruit and vegetable promotion and sale facilities buildings, is ambiental condition requirements. Ambiental condition requirements include temperature and humidity, as well as hygienic and health requirements. Regulations and guidelines that exist in the agri-food system supply chain "from farm to fork" are also valid for fresh food wholesale markets. The organizations that provide recommendations are Food Agriculture Organisation (FAO), World Health Organisation (WHO), and World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM). Respect of the cold chain, traceability and hygiene and health standards are recommended in their Guidelines. These recommendations are to be implemented in the national regulations. This research assumption is that changes in ambiental conditions, caused by regulations and guidelines, significantly contributed to the transformation of spatial and functional wholesale fruit and vegetables building solutions. By those regulations and guidelines and new technology solutions this spatial and functional transformation has been accelerated The paper also presents a comparative analysis of spatial and functional solutions by the basic parameters such as facility size, functional layout, type and size of premises. Spatial-functional solutions of the buildings in wholesale market in Halles-e in Paris, Rome and the CAR-Corbas Lyon in Lyon were analysed. The researh results confirmed the assumptions that changes in ambiental conditions entail changes in the spatial-functional solutions i.e. change of the complete geometry of buildings and premises. The results have important application for practical use in planning and design of modern fresh fruit and vegetable market buildings.
Key words: Wholesale markets of fresh fruit and vegetable, promotion and sele facilities, ambiental conditions, spatial and functional solutions.

Obezbeđivanje zdrave ishrane stanovništva, kontinuirano stambedavanje svežim, kvalitetnim i po ceni prihvatljivih namirnica, pri intenzivnom povećanju broja žitelja gradova, pokazuje da je planiranje i izgradnja veleprodajnih pijaca (veletržnica) neophodno. Savremene veletržnice su tehnološko-komercijalni kompleksi sa značajnom izgrađenom površinom objekata, saobraćajnica i sa obimnom infrastrukturom. Na planiranje i projektovanje veletržnica utiče veliki broj faktora, a jedan od bitnih faktora koji utiće na prostorno-funkcionalno rešenje objekata za izlaganje i prodaju svežih namirnica, posebno voća i povrća su zahtevani ambijentalni uslovi. Ambijentalni uslovi obuhvataju pored zahtevanih temperatura i vlažnosti vazduha i higijensko-zdravstvene zahteve. Propise i preporuke koje važe u ukupnom poljoprivredno-prehrambenom sistemu-lancu "od njive do trpeze", obhvataju i veletržnice. Organizacije koje donose preporuke na svetskom nivou su Organizacija za hranu i poljoprivredu pri Ujedinjenim nacijama (FAO),Svedska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO), Svedska unija veletržnica (WUWM), i upravo se njihovim preporukama zahteva poštovanje hladnog lanca, sledljivosti i higijensko zdravstvenih standarda. Preporuke se ugrađuju u nacionalne zakone. Predpostavka istraživanja je da su promene u ambijentalnim uslovima, nastale i propisane zakonima i preporukama, bitno uticale na promene prostorno-funkcionalnih rešenja objekata veletržnica voća i povrća, i da su te promene ubrzane.U radu je data uporedna analiza prostorno-funkcionalnih rešenja po osnovnim parametrima kao što su dimenzije objekata, funkcionali raspored, vrste i dimenzije prostorija. Na taj način su sagledane promene prostorno-funkcionalnih rešenja u vremenu. Analize su obuhvatile prostorno-funkcionalna rešenja objekata na veletržnici Halles-e u Parizu, CAR u Rimu i Lyon-Corbas-a u Lionu. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili postavljene predpostavke, odnosno potvrdili promene u prostorno-funkcionalnim rešenjima i kompletnoj geometriji objekata i prostorija, kao posledicu zahtevanih ambijentanih uslova, a samim tim dobijeni rezultati imaju aplikativni značaj za praktičnu primenu u planiranju i projektovanju savremenih objekata svežeg voća i povrća na veletržnicama.
Ključne reči: Veletržnice svežih namirnica, objekti za voće i povrća, ambijentalni uslovi, prostorno-funkcionalno rešenje