Vol.9, No 1, 2011 pp. 105 - 118
UDC 699.82:72.011.2=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1101105G

Dragan J. Gavrilović
University of Pristina, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Kosovska Mitrovica, Department of Architecture
The paper analyzes the specific problems of construction of a waterproofing system with an absolute control of the vertical penetration of ground water and dampness from the ground into higher levels of building masonry structure. This method can very suitably be applied in rehabilitation of old brick buildings where the usual waterproofing remediation systems cannot be implemented because of specific structure system The "total cut" method is very suitable for use in the old traditional masonry buildings, which do not have reinforced concrete vertical beams and where using this method would not interfere with the continuous stability of the building.
Key words: Building Waterproofing, total cut total barrier, total dampness remediation, barrier to capillary damp rising, ground water effects remediation.

U radu se obrađuje specifična problematika izvođenja hidroizolacionog sistema s totalnim prekidom vertikalnog prodora podzemne vode kao i vlage iz terena u više nivoe zidne konstrukcije objekta. Ova metoda veoma je pogodna kod primene sanacije starih zidanih objekata gde se zbog specifikuma arhitektonsko konstruktivnog sklopa ne mogu primeniti uobičajeni hidroizolacioni sanacioni sistemi. Metoda "totalnog reza" veoma je pogodna za primenu kod starih klasično zidanih objekata, kod kojih nemamo ugrađene vertikalne armiranobetonske serklaže kod kojih bi se primena ove metode poremetila kontinualna stabilnost tretiranog objekta.
Ključne reči: Hidroizolacija objekta, totalni rez, totalna barijera, totalna sanacija od vlage, prekid kapilarnog penjanja, sanacija od podzemne vode