Vol.7, No 2, 2009 pp. 161 - 169
UDC 711.48+72.011(430.2)(045)
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE0902161A

Biljana Arandjelović1, Kaja Pogačar2
1University of Niš, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia
2University of Maribor, The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovenia
E-mail: biljana.arandjelovic@gaf.ni.ac.rs, kaja.pogacar@uni-mb.si
Berlin is one of the most interesting European cities. In the Cold War period, The Berlin Wall physically divided West Berlin and East Berlin for 28 years in period from August 1961 till November 1989. Berlin was also the symbolic boundary between West countries and Communism during the Cold War, which influenced also the architectural development in the city. The city was the biggest building site in Europe in the period of 1990s. Today, Berlin is an important art center with around 1500 cultural events daily. Berlin is also since 2005 the only European UNESCO city of design.
Key words: Modern architecture of Berlin, history of architecture, art in open urban space, UNESCO city of design, memorials at urban place

Berlin je jedan od najinteresantnijih evropskih gradova. U periodu hladnog rata grad je fizicki bio podeljen na Zapadni Berlin i Istocni Berlin 28 godina u periodu od avgusta 1961 do novembra 1989. Berlin je simbol granice izmedju Zapadnih zemalja i komunizma za vreme hladnog rata sto je takodje uticalo i na arhitekturu Berlinu. Grad je bio najvece gradiliste u Evropi za vreme devedesetih. Danas je Berlin bitan umetnicki centar sa oko 1500 dnevnih umetnickih dogadjaja. Berlin je takodje i jedini grad u Evropi koji nosi titulu UNESCO city of design.
Ključne reči: moderna arhitektura Berlina, istorija arhitekture, umetnost na otvorenom prostoru, UNESCO grad dizajna, memorijali na otvorenom prostoru