Vol. 6, No 1, 2008 pp. 51 - 64
UDC 72.01 NIS(497.11)(045)=111 
Aleksandar Keković, Marjan Petrović
University of Niš, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia

Abstract. Architectural forming in the Moderne movement lies, or rather stems from the function, that is, from the structure bulk, whose composition dictates volumetry which is the principal characteristics of a structure. It can be stated that this simplified definition of architectural forming in the Niš Moderne is only partially true, because many other factors influenced forming and creation of the Niš Moderne. The very introduction states that until 30's of the last century, the prevailing styles and directions in Serbian Moderne, and by virtue of this, in Niš, were classicistic pseudo styles, national romantic architecture based on Serbian-Byzantine style, as well as folk architecture. Many authors leading the Moderne in Serbia and Niš, often designed at the beginning of their careers in some of the mentioned styles or combined them, so that the influence of these styles and directions was felt for a very long time in their designing opus. Often, the investors' wishes to add an element or two on the façade in order to make it "more beautiful and richer" left its mark – the majority of Moderne buildings in Serbia and Niš are a sort of compromise resulting from this struggle between old styles, investors' preferences and architects' aspirations to something new.
Key words:  Moderne, Niš Moderne, forming

Arhitektonsko oblikovanje u Modernističkom pokretu počiva, ili bolje reći proizilazi iz funkcije, odnosno iz masa objekta, čijom se kompozicijom postiže volumetrija koja čini osnovnu karakteristiku objekta. Može se reći da ova pojednostavljena definicija arhitektonskog oblikovanja u Niškoj Moderni je samo donekle tačna, jer su i mnogi drugi faktori uticali na oblikovanje i stvaranje Niške Moderne. U samom uvodu je rečeno da su sve do 30-tih godina prošlog veka preovlađujući stilovi i pravci u srpskoj Moderni, pa samim tim i u Nišu, bili klasicistički pseudo stilovi, nacionalna romantičarska arhitektura zasnovana na srpsko vizantijskom stilu, kao i folklorna - narodna arhitektura. Mnogi autori koji su predvodili pravac Moderne u Srbiji i u Nišu vrlo često su na početku karijere projektovali u nekom od navedenih stilova ili ih kombinovali, tako da su se i uticaji tih stilova i pravaca dugo osećali u njihovom projektantskom opusu. Često su i želje investitora bile od velikog uticaja da se ponekad doda neki element na fasadi kako bi ona bila "lepša i bogatija", tako da većina objekata Moderne u Srbiji i u Nišu predstavlja neku vrstu kompromisa proizašlog iz te borbe između starih stilova, želja investitora i htenja i težnji arhitekata ka nečem novom.