Vol. 5, No 2, 2007
pp. 125 - 140
UDC 728.6+711.437(045)=111
Branko AJ Turnšek
University of Niš, The Faculty of Civil Engineering
and Architecture, Serbia
Abstract. The paper analyzes the present condition
of the sustainability elements at the level of a village, and then on the
relevant representative sample of the households, according to the parameters
defined in advance. By definition, such analysis of natural, economic,
human and spatial resources provides the picture of the present status,
but also defines the sustainability degree, and the capacities and potential
directions of development. The obtained results and drawn conclusions served
as a platform for the analysis of the future development and transformation
of the village, the households, that is, the courtyards as they are spatial
frame of a household and a central stage where these processes take place.
Gornja Studena belongs to the group of spontaneously
formed, sparse/dense hill villages. It was formed in the upper part of
the Jelašnica valley, on the slopes of Suva planina mountain, under the
Mosor peak, along the way leading from Niša to Bojanine Vode, on the east
and west side of Studenica stream, flowing through the middle of the village,
parallel to the road.
The nature has been, as always, both generous
and miserly taking on one side and giving on the other. There are rich
complexes of forests and pastures, and favorable conditions for livestock
keeping, mild climate, as well as many other natural and environmental
values in the village locality, the ski resort and other tourist destinations
of Bojanine Vode, which are nearby, did not help the village development.
It is situated on the periphery of the region, and it is one of the most
distant villages from the city, far away from the main traffic routes (though
it has not always been like this) with poor public utilities and infrastructure
systems and structures, with an elderly population which is economically
weak., of small land resources and unfavorable terrain configuration for
an intensive development of agriculture. It is impoverished in demographic
terms and the remaining young population is mostly oriented towards the
Key words: village, sustainable development.
U radu je analizirano sadašnje stanje elemenata
održivosti na nivou sela, a potom i na relevantnom reprezentativnom uzorku
domaćinstava, preko unapred definisanih parametara. Po definiciji ovako
sagledani prirodni, ekonomski, ljudski i prostorni resursi, opisuju sadašnji
trenutak, uzroke i posledice, ali i definišu stepen održivosti, kapacitete
i pravce mogućeg razvoja. Dobijeni rezulatati i izvedeni zaključci su
poslužili kao osnova za sagledavanje daljeg razvoja i transformacije sela,
domaćinstava, odnosno dvorišta kao prostornog okvira domaćinstva i mesta
na kome se ovi procesi odvijaju.
Gornja Studena pripada grupi spontano nastalih,
razređeno zbijenih brdskih sela. Formirano u gornjem delu Jelašničke
doline, na obroncima Suve planine, pod Mosorom, duž puta koji vodi od
Niša ka Bojaninim Vodama, naselje se razvilo istočno i zapadno od puta
i Studeničkog potoka, koji protiče sredinom sela, paralelno sa putem.
Priroda je bila i izdašna i škrta, kako to
uvek biva, uzimajući na jednoj daje na drugoj. Bogati kompleksi šuma
i pašnjaka, prirodne pogodnosti i uslovi za bavljenje stočarstvom, prijatna
klima, kao i druge prirodne i ambijentalne vrednosti, blizina ski centra
i turističke destinacije Bojanine vode, nisu pomogli razvoju sela. Locirano
je na obodu, među najudaljenijim od grada, povučeno u odnosu na glavne
putne pravce (mada nije uvek bilo tako), sa slabom infrastrukturnom i komunalnom
opremljenošću, sa velikim brojem starijih žitelja, slabe ekonomske moći,
nevelikih zemljišnih resursa i nepovoljne konfiguracije terena za intenzivan
razvoj poljoprivrede. Demografski je znatno osiromašeno, a preostali mladi
u velikoj meri profesionalno orijentisani na grad.