Vol.2, No 3, 2001
pp. 193-208
UDC 728.6 (497.16)(045)
Aleksandar Keković
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
14 Aleksandra Medvedeva Street, 18000 Niš, Serbia
Abstract. Our traditional architecture, to
which the House of Pastrovici belongs, as one of the examples of popular
house building in the coastal area, is characterized by the functionality
and suitability to human needs. The builders of this, in its essence a
simple architecture, took care of every detail, proportion and measure,
adapting to the environment and the available material.
The analysis of the interior and exterior space,
and its division in segments, as well as the analysis of the spatial serial
elements and proportional relations, endeavours to discover the ways and
conditions under which this, in essence, endemic architecture was created.
The messages it emits, the element of a sloped lean-to roof, simple basis
of the house in rows in the functional sense, and grouping of the rows
by creating the streets in the spatial sense, we find the elements of modernity
and universality of the contemporary house. We may recognize the elements
of such architecture in other architectures, even on other continents,
even at the great names of the 20th century architecture, which enables
us to consider it universal.
Key words: Pastrovici, House of
Pastrovici, stone, lean-to roof, rows, universality, functionality, traditionality.
Naša tradicionalna arhitektura, kojoj pripada i Paštrovska
kuća, kao jedan od primera narodnog graditeljstva na primorju odlikuje
se funkcionalnošću i čovekomernošću. Graditelji ove, u suštini jednostavne
arhitekture, vodili su računa o svakom detalju, proporciji i meri, prilagođavajući
se okruženju i materijalu koji im je bio dostupan.
Analizom unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg prostora,
te njegovim raščlanjivanjem na segmente, kao i analizom prostornih elemenata
niza i proporcijskih odnosa, pokušalo se doći do načina i uslova pod kojim
je nastala ova, u suštini, endemična arhitektura. Poruke koje ona emituje,
element kosog jednovodnog krova u oblikovnom smislu, jednostavna osnova
kuće u nizu u funkcionalnom smislu i grupisanje nizova stvaranjem ulica
u prostornom smislu, nalazimo elemente savremenosti i univerzalnosti savremene
kuće. Elemente takve arhitekture prepoznajemo i u drugim sredinama, pa
čak i na drugim kontinentima, kao i kod velikana arhitektonske scene XX
veka, što nam daje za pravo da je smatramo univerzalnom.