Vol.1, No 3, 1998 pp. 87-93
Branislav Djordjević
University of Priština, Faculty of Economics
Abstract. If organizations are to be intensively adjusted to the
ecological degradation characteristic of the society of risk, then they
must employ a new management paradigm, or orientatiuon. They need an oirientation
focused on technological and ecological risks which does not treat risks
as external, but as an essential management problem.
The placement of risk in the central opus of organizational theory
and practice may be implemented in several ways. Our approach in this matter
is the need for adoption of the shareholders' perspective, because it is
they who take most of the risk of industrial activity. Nature! Why? Because
nature is the source of all life, and because the certainty of human welfare
is dependent on it. By placing nature (human health, and not wealth) in
the centre of mangament, the concern of the organization becomes a warranty
of the alternative management paradigm.
In our further text we shall stress the desciription of ecocentric
management paradigm. The intention is to help in the creation of ecologically
viable and organizationally acceptable relationships. This para-digm is
the right place for management researchers to be, from which to start and,
consequentially, it is a test, transition and incompleteness. In the parts
that follow, two major concepts are suggested – in-dustrial ecosystems
and ecocentric management, which look into the future of interorganizational
relations and internal organizational elements. Industrial ecosystems provide
the vision of organizational population and the inter-organizational relations
compatible with the bioregional systems of nature. The ecocentric managament,
on the other hand, seeks ecological viability of economic design and practice.
Ako organizacije treba snažno usmeriti ka ekološkim degradacijama svojstvenim
rizičnom društvu, tada one moraju koristiti nuvu menadžment paradigmu,
odnosno orijentaciju. One trebaju takvu orijentaciju koja se fokusira na
tehnološke i ekološke rizike koji ne tretiraju rizike kao eksternalije,
nego kao bitan problem menadžmenta.
Stavljanje rizika u centralni opus organizacije teorije i prakse, može
se ostvariti na više načina. Naš prilaz u ovome je potreba usvajanja perspektive
akcionara koji nose najveći rizik industrijske aktivnosti. Priroda! Zašto?
Zato što je priroda osnova ukupnog života i zato što izvesnost ljudskog
bogatstva zavisi od nje. Stavljajući prirodu (izvedeno ljudsko zdravlje,
a ne bogatstvo) u centar menadžmenta, briga organizacije postaje jemstvo
alternativne menadžment paradigme.
U daljem izlaganju naglasićemo opis ekocentrične menadžment paradigme.
Htenje je da se pomogne u kreiranju ekološki održivih i organizaciono-zajedničkih
odnosa. Ova paradigma je pravo mesto za menadžment istraživače, odakle
treba da počnu (startuju), i sledstveno tome, to je proba, privremenost
i nepotpunost. U sledećim delovima, odnosno izlaganju, sugeriraju se dva
osnovna koncepta - indistrujski ekosistemi i ekocentrični menadžment, koji
gleda na budućnost interorganizacionih odnosa i unutrašnjih organizacionih
elemenata. Industrijski ekosistemi obezbedjuju viziju organizacione populacije
i interorganizacione odnose koji su kompatibilni sa bioregionalnim sistemima
prirode. Ekocentrični menadžment na suprot tome, traži ekološku održivost
ekonomskog dizajna i prakse.