Vol. 10, No 1, 2013 pp. 69 - 78
UDC 331.45/.46:006

Dragan Cvetković, Miljan Cvetković
University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš, Serbia
E-mail: dragan.cvetkovic@znrfak.ni.ac.rs

Abstract. In the last two decades in the Serbian economic sphere, two commercial activities stand out. The first one refers to establishing the quality system based on the ISO 9000 standards, and the second one refers to developing and putting into practice the Occupational Safety and Health Law. In this paper the aim was to carry out, by means of an analytical approach, the process of scientific deduction on the basis of facts which provoke the interest of both the scientific and professional public in the sense of an integration of these two activities, which could later be developed into a joint program. The application of the aforementioned law with many modern elements in its contents is coupled with the procedural intentions regulated by the structure of the ISO 9000. Because of that, the author in his observations attempted to prove the connection among the problems that can be best solved if the policy of Occupational Safety and Health became a part of the policy of quality, and ultimately an essential factor of the business policy of every business system. Quality, and occupational safety as its constituent, should be regarded as a function of greater business success and profit-making.
Key Words: work safety, safety, risk management

Tokom proteklih 20 godina u ekonomskom prostoru Srbije postoje dve komercijalne aktivnosti koje se u sadašnje vreme ističu. Prva se tiče uspostavljanja sistema kvaliteta zasnovanog na ISO 9000 standardima, druga se tiče razvoja i primene zakona o zaštiti na radu i zdravstvene zaštite. U ovom radu autor je imao nameru da sprovede, na osnovu analitičkog pristupa, process naučne dedukcije na osnovu podataka koji su zaiteresovali i naučnu u profesionalnu zajednicu u pogledu integracije ovih aktivnosti koja bi se kasnije mogla razviti u jedinstveni program. Primena zakona sa mnogim savremenim elementima po sadržini se spaja sa proceduralnim namerama koje su regulisane strukturama ISO 9000. Iz tog razloga, autor u svojim profesionalnim i naučnim zaključcima još uvek pokušava da potvrdi da postoji veza između problema koji se najbolje mogu rešiti primenom politike zaštite na radu koja bi vremenom postala ključni factor poslovne politike svake firme. Kvalitet zaštite na radu bi trebalo smatrati funkcijom opšteg uspeha u poslovanju i generisanju profita.
Ključne reči: zaštita na radu, bezbednost, upravljanje rizicima