Vol. 9, No 1, 2012 pp. 61 - 66
UDC 019:81’42:331.45

Jelica Tošić

Abstract. A key word is a word that is awarded greater significance in some system of all the words used for some specific purpose. The purpose of this paper is to study key words, as they are termed in the proceedings, or the key terms, which seems to be a better word, that could be found in the proceedings of the papers presented at the conferences 50 Years of Organized Occupational Safety in Serbia and Occupational Safety – Multidisciplinary Realization of Occupational Safety and Health held in March and October of 2010, respectively. Both conferences covered the same topic, occupational safety, which is the wording left over from the old law, or occupational safety and health, which is the formulation in the current law. There were a lot of papers at both conferences and they were printed in the proceedings together with the abstracts and key words. These key words were the subject of analysis in this paper.
Key Words: key words, key terms, academic discourse, occupational safety

Ključna reč je reč koja ima veći značaj u nekom sistemu svih reči koje su upotrebljene sa nekim posebnim ciljem. Svrha ovog rada je da ispita ključne reči, kako su nazvane u zbornicima, ili ključne termine koji se mogu naći u zbornicima radova prezentovanih na konferencijama 50 godina organizovane zaštite na radu u Srbiji i Zaštita na radu – Multidisciplinarno ostvarivanje bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu, koje su održane marta i oktobra 2010. godine. Obe konferencije su pokrile istu temu, zaštitu na radu, što je formulacija iz starog zakona, ili bezbednost i zdravlje na radu, što je formulacija u trenutno važećem zakonu. Bilo je mnogo radova na obe konferencije i oni su odštampani u zbornicima zajedno sa apstraktima i ključnim rečima. Te ključne reči bile su predmet analize ovog rada.
Ključne reči: ključne reči, ključni termini, akademski diskurs, zaštita na radu