Vol. 7, No 1, 2010 pp. 43 - 51
UDC 331.45/.461:620.26:656.022

Dalibor Jovanović1, Nenad Živković2
1Serbian Armed Forces, CBRN Training Centre, Kruševac
2University of Niš, Faculty of Occupational Safety of Niš
Abstract. Rapid development of the chemical industry and energy has become a major feature of the modern age. The existence of a large number of plants for the production of different raw materials and products, whose working process is based on the usage of dangerous (highly toxic) chemical substances, represents a serious threat in the wider area, with unforeseeable consequences. One segment of the risk lies in the possibility for chemical accident occurrence during the transportation of dangerous goods from one location to another. The implementation of each transportation process involving hazardous materials is accompanied by the risk of adverse events. The modeling of risk as a product of the possibility of accidents and the consequences it produces is a key factor in the approach to this problem. The choice of optimal routes for hazardous substance transportation is one of the preventive measures to minimize possible risk. Different forms of route choice simulation and optimization models are present in the world today, but all share a common feature and lack of a more complex approach. Today it is more than necessary to develop adequate methodology and supporting software which, in our conditions, allowed finding the most appropriate routes for the movement of transport vehicles carrying dangerous substances, taking into consideration of risks and the economic aspect, as one of the factors.
Key Words: chemical accident, risk, transport network, route selection, risk minimization

Brz razvoj hemijske industrije i energije je postao glavna odlika modernog doba. Postojanje velikog broja fabrika za proizvodnju različitih sirovina i proizvoda, čiji se radni procesi zasnivaju na upotrebi opasnih (visoko toksičnih) hemijskih supstanci, predstavlja ozbiljnu pretnju u jednoj široj oblasti, sa nepredvidivim posledicama. Jedan segment rizika je mogućnost da dođe do hemijske nezgode tokom transporta opasnih materija sa jedne na drugu lokaciju. Svaki transport koji uključuje opasne materije prati i rizik od negativnih posledica. Dizajn modela rizika kao proizvod mogućnosti nastajanja nezgoda i posledica do kojih može doći je ključni faktor u pristupu ovom problemu. Izbor optimalne rute za transport opasnih materija je jedna od preventivnih mera koje će minimizirati rizik. Simulacije razlitičith ruta i modela optimizacije se danas mogu naći, ali im svima nedostaje jedan mnogo kompleksniji pristup problemu. Danas je i više nego neophodno da se razvije adekvatna metodologija i softverska podrška koja, u našim uslovima, dozvoljava da se utvrde najpogodnije rute za transport opasnih materija, uzimajući u obzir rizik i ekonomski aspekt, kao jedan od faktora.
Ključne reči: hemijske nezgode, rizik, transportan mreža, izbor rute, minimiziranje rizika