Vol. 6, No 1, 2009 pp. 65 - 71
UDC 62.783:616.022.1:377

Milica Bogdanović
University of Niš, Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Niš;
E-mail: milica@ni.ac.yu

Abstract. Accidental chemical contamination of the living environment and peacetime poisoning of people, fish and animals represent the most actual problems of the contemporary world. According to the official UN expert evaluations, these accidents and events inflict severe damages on mankind, make the living environment unbearable, endanger the health and life of humans and animals, as well as of plants, and have considerable material, social and political implications.
Two chemical accidents were singled out in the analysis of the accidents known to have happened in our country and worldwide. The first is classified as a negative experience and the rise of panic, which is never anticipated in the plans of responding to chemical accidents and which has proved in this case to be of extreme importance, as the consequences could have been avoided or significantly reduced without it. The second event represents an extremely positive experience in terms of a fast and timely reaction to a chemical accident.
Key Words: chemical accidents, chemical contamination, technical equipment, quick response

Akcidentna hemijska kontaminacija životne sredine i trovanja ljudi, riba i životinja u vreme mira spadaju u red najaktuelnijih problema savremenog sveta. Prema zvaničnim procenama eksperata Ujedinjenih nacija, ti akcidenti i događaji nanose ogromne štete čovečanstvu, životnu sredinu čine nepodnošljivom, ugrožavaju zdravlje i živote ljudi i životinja, kao i biljaka i imaju materijalne, društvene i političke implikacije velikih razmera.
Analizirajući poznate akcidente u svetu i u našoj zemlji izdvojena su dva hemijska akcidenta. Prvi, kao negativno iskustvo i pojavu panike koju niko ne predviđa u planovima odgovora na hemijski akcident, a na ovom primeru je očigledno da je veoma važan i da su posledice mogle biti izbegnute ili daleko blaže da nije bila prisutna. Drugi, zbog izuzetno pozitivnog iskustva u smislu brze i pravovremene reakcije na hemijski akcident.
Ključne reči: Hemijski akcidenti, hemijska kontaminacija, tehnicka opremljenost, brzina reagovanja