Vol.5, No 1, 2008 pp. 11 - 23
UDC 534.835:7.021.23
Momir Praščević, Dragan Cvetković, Darko Mihajlov
Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš, Laboratory for Noise and Vibration,
18000 Niš, Čarnojevića 10a,
E-mail: momir@znrfak.ni.ac.rs
Abstract. Noise pollution is closely related to human activity and
generally occurs where this activity is concentrated, typically in urban
areas. Occupational noise is also one of the most important problems which
affect millions of workers around the world as well as residential areas
near industrial plants. The new strategy in fighting against noise in the
21st century with the basic aim that "no person should be exposed to noise
levels which endanger health and quality of life" is based on the European
directive 2002/49/EC. According to this directive, the design of strategic
noise maps is the initial step in carrying out the following activities:
developing and implementing action plans for noise reduction and informing
the public about noise exposure. Strategic noise maps put a special emphasis
on road and rail traffic, airports and industrial activity sites.
Industrial activities near residential areas have an unavoidable influence
on the environment and the noise level to which residents are exposed.
Industrial noise maps that point to dominant noise sources and to environment
noise levels are necessary for the assessment of industrial activity influence
on the environment. Noise mapping is the initial step in informing the
public about noise exposure and the development of action plans for noise
reduction. An example of designing of noise map for a cement factory will
be given in this paper.
Key Words: industrial noise, noise map, noise modeling, noise
Strategijsko mapiranje buke predstavlja jedan od tri ključna elementa
evropske direktive 2002/49/EC koja definiše novu strategiju borbe protiv
buke u 21. veku sa osnovnim ciljem da "ni jedna osoba ne treba da bude
izložena nivou buke koji može ugroziti zdravlje i kvalitet života".
Strategijske mape predstavljaju inicijalni korak u sprovođenju aktivnosti
izrade akcionih planova za redukciju nivoa buke i informisanja javnosti
o stanju nivoa buke. Strategijske mape buke koje se izrađuju primenom
zajedničkim metoda i indikatora buke čine osnovu za ocenu stanja nivoa
buke. Strategijskim mapama se tretiraju drumski i železnički saobraćaj,
aerodromi i industrijski kompleksi.
Industrijske aktivnosti pored stambenih zona imaji neminovan uticaj
na stanje životne sredine pa i na povećanje nivoa buke kojima su izloženi
stanovnici tih zona. Za procenu uticaja industrijskih aktivnosti na neposredno
okolinu neophodno je raspolagati mapama buke kojima se identifikuju najdominatniji
izvori buke i stanje nivoa buke u okolini. Mape buke su polazna osnova
za informisanje javnosti o stanju nivoa buke i za izradu akcionih planova
sa smanjenje nivoa buke.
U radu će biti prikazan primer mapiranja industrijske buke na lokaciji
i neposrednoj okolini fabrike cementa "Holcim" u Popovcu.
Ključne reči: industrijska buka, mape buke, modeliranje buke,
mapiranje buke