Vol.2, No 5, 2005 pp. 477 - 484
UDC 613.6:622.861

Jovica Jovanović, Mirjana Aranđelović,
Milan Jovanović, Zoran Golubović
Institute of Occupational Health, Niš
Faculty of Medicine, Niš
University Clinical Center of Niš

Abstract. The aim of this study is to examine the factors that contribute to occupational injuries in metallic ore mining. The number of injuries was highest on Monday, in January, between 8 a.m. and 10 am and between 4 pm and 6pm. Most of the injuries occurred in first and second shifts.  Most of the injuries involved employees with less than one year of experience in their job. The number of occupational injuries is inversely related to age and worker education levels. The leading causes of injuries were being struck by objects or being pressed. Upper and lower extremities were the body parts most often affected. Contusions, lacerations and closed fractures were the most frequent injury types. These results are important for the control and prevention of occupational injuries.
Key Words: Occupational injury, miners, metallic ore mining

Cilj rada je istraživanje faktora koji mogu doprineti pojavi povreda na radu u rudnicima  rude metala. Najveći broj povreda se događa Ponedeljkom, između 8 i 10 sati i između 16 i 18 sati, tokom meseca Januara i u vreme prve i druge radne smene. Najčešće se povređuju radnici sa radnim iskustvom manjim od godinu dana. Broj povreda na radu je obrnuto proporcionalan starosti i školskoj spremi radnika. Najčešći uzroci povreda su udari ili nagnječenja predmetima. Povredama su najčešće zahvaćeni gornji i donji ekstremiteti. Nagnječenja, razderne rane i zatvorene frakture su najčešće vrste povreda. Ovi rezultati mogu naći svoju primenu u procesu kontrole i prevencije povreda na radu.
Ključne reči: Povrede na radu, rudari, rudnici rude metala.