Vol.2, No 4, 2004 pp. 325 - 333
UDC 624.144

Jovica Jovanović, Mirjana Aranđelović, Milan Jovanović
Institute of Occupational Health Niš, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš
Braće Taskovića 50, 18 000 Niš, E mail: joca@medfak.ni.ac.yu

Abstract. Occupational accidents, work related injuries and fatalities resulting from multiple causes, affect different segments of the working population, and occur in a myriad of occupations and industrial settings. Multiple factors and risks contribute to traumatic injuries, such as hazardous exposures, workplace and process design, work organization and environment, economics, and other social factors. With such a diversity of theories, it will not be difficult to understand that there does not exist one single theory that is considered right or correct and is universally accepted. These theories are nonetheless necessary, but not sufficient, for developing a frame of reference for understanding accident occurrences. Prevention strategies are also varied, and multiple strategies may be applicable to many settings, including engineering controls, protective equipment and technologies, management commitment to and investment in safety, regulatory controls, and education and training. Research needs are thus broad, and the development and application of interventions involve many disciplines and organizations.
Key Words: Occupational Accidents, Work Related Injury, Occupational Hazards, Workers, Industry

Nezgode na poslu i njima izazvane povrede i smrt imaju mnogobrojne uzroke i prusutne su kod velikog braja radnika različitih zanimanja i profesija. Mnogobrojni faktori i rizici doprinose povredama na radu. Najčešće su to profesionalne štetrnosti, uslovi na radnom mestu, tehnološki proces rada, organizacioni, ekonomski i ostali socijalni faktori. Veliki je broj teorija koje pokušavaju da objasne nastajanje nezgode i povrede na radu, ali još uvek ne postoji jedinstveno tumačenje koje može da objasni nastajanje svake povrede i nezgode. Različite su mere prevencije i one zavise pre svega od radnog mesta. One podrazumevaju kontrolu radnih mesta od strane inženjera zaštite na radu, preventivne mere, tehnološka rešenja i ulaganja u menađžment, sigurnost, kontrolu rizika, edukaciju i trening. Istraživanja u ovoj oblasti i primena rezultata ovih istraživanja u praksi zahtevaju multidisciplinarni pristup.
Ključne reči: Nezgode na poslu, povreda na radu, profesionalne štetnosti, radnici, industrija