Vol.2, No 2, 2002 pp. 163 - 169
UDC 159.943.6

Nicolae Mircea Dehelean, Liana-Maria Dehelean
Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania
Blv. M. Viteazul 1, Romania-1900-Timişoara, Tel/Fax: +40-56-190373
e-mail: dehelean@linux1.mec.utt.ro, Liana.Dehelean@mec.utt.ro

Abstract. The human reflexes, to external stimulus, express the organism capacity of reaction. The testing of human reflexes is part of a set of tests, which the physicians have done, in order to diagnosticate. The padellar reflex test is included in the set we are talking about. In order to obtain the level of padellar reflex it has proposed a measurement method of a cinematic set of parameters. The paper is going to propose two dynamic models for padellar reflex test.
We try to evaluate the human reflexes quality by the meaning of cinematic set of parameters. In order to obtain the value set of the parameters, there become necessarily an adequate device. So, the paper has to propose a device schema, device able to be connected to a computer data acquisition card. The device has to have two sensors, one for pressure and the other for acceleration measurement. The point is how to place these two sensors relative to the knee joint?
Key words:   bio-mechanics, acceleration measurement, human physiology, measurement device

Ljudski refleksi na spoljne stimulanse predstavljaju sposobnost organizma da reaguje. Testiranje ljudskih refleksa je deo serije testova koje su neki lekari uradili da bi dali dijagnozu. I sam test o uslovnim refleksima je deo ovih testova. Da bi se dostigao nivo uslovnih refleksa predloženo je da se koristi monitor na kome bi se prikazao niz parametara. U ovom radu su predstavljena dva dinamička modela za test o uslovnim refleksima. Pokušaćemo da procenimo kvalitet ljudskih refleksa na osnovu značenja niza parametara koji su predstavljeni na monitoru. Ovaj rad treba da predstavi šemu tog uređaja koji je povezan sa senzorima i sa podacima u kompjuteru. Uređaj mora da ima dva senzora, jedan za pritisak i drugi za merenje ubrzanja. Problem je u tome kako postaviti ova dva senzora da budu blizu zgloba kolena.
Ključne reči: biomehanika, merenje ubrzanja, ljudska fiziologija, uređaj za merenje