Vol.2, No 3, 2001 pp. 125 - 130
UDC 539.1

J. L. Vučina
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Laboratory for Radioisotopes,
P.O.B. 57, Belgrade 11001, Yugoslavia

Abstract. Elution efficiency of 99mTc from 99Mo/99mTc generators was examined in dependance on the kind of adsorbent and eluence. The generators contained either pure alumina or alumina modified by addition of silica gel or by adsorption of divalent copper. For elutions, besides pure saline solution (0.9% NaCl), saline modified by addition of 100 ?g of ascorbic acid per ml was tested. High and stable 99mTc elution yield ensures only the adsorbent modified by addition of copper (0.2-0.3 mg Cu(II)/g alumina), both in the "dry" and the "wet" mode of the generator operation. It was found that, under the given experimental conditions, ascorbic acid has no significant influence on 99mTc elution efficiency.
Key words: technetium-99m, molybdenum-99/technetium-99m generator, elution efficiency

Ispitivana je zavisnost prinosa eluiranja 99mTc u 99Mo/99mTc generatorima u zavisnosti od vrste adsorbensa i eluensa. Pored čistog korišćen je i Al2O3 modifikovan dodavanjem silika gela ili adsorpcijom dvovaletnog bakra. Za eluiranje korišćeni su čist fiziološki rastvor (0,9% NaCl) ili fiziološki rastvor koji je sadržavao 100 ?g askorbinske kiseline po ml. Visoki i stabilni prinosi eluiranja 99mTc i u "suvom" i u "mokrom" režimu rada generatora, dobijeni su samo korišćenjem Al2O3 sa adsorbovanim Cu(II). Nadjeno je da pod datim experimentalnim uslovima askorbinska kiselina ne utiće na prinos eluiranja 99mTc.