Vol.2, No 3, 2001 pp. 115 - 124
UDC 628.161.3 + 546.62

Aleksandar Bojić1, Milovan Purenović1, Branislava Kocić2,
Jelica Perović1, Jasna Ursić-Janković1, Danijela Bojić1
1Department of Chemistry, University of Niš, P.O. Box 224, 18000 Niš, Yugoslavia
2Institute for Health Protection, University of Niš, 18 000 Niš, Yugoslavia

Abstract. The inactivation of Escherichia coli by microalloyed aluminium based composite was studied. The composite is material in form of steel wire, plated by microalloyed aluminium. Its effects are based on spontaneous dissolution in contact with water, with generation of Al(III) and OH– ions, and finally voluminous insoluble Al(OH)3. Bearing in mind its great efficacy in purification of water from many chemical pollutants, efficient inactivation of microbiological pollutant of water – E. coli, was expected, too. The experiments were carried out with the water model-solutions (WMS) based on adapted natural surface water, inoculated by the E. coli. Treatments were performed in the original semi-flow system (SFS). The results show that approximately at every 10 min, the number of E. coli bacteria was reduced for about one log10 count, with complete inactivation as the outcome of the treatment. At the end of the treatment, the Al(OH)3 precipitate still contained the low amount of coprecipitated E. coli bacteria, which died in relatively short period.
Key words: microalloyed aluminium, composite, water model-solution, Escherichia coli, semi-flow system, disinfection of water

U ovom radu je ispitivana inaktivacija bakterije Escherichia coli, kompozitom na bazi mikrolegiranog aluminijuma. Kompozit je materijal u vidu čelične mrežice, prevučene mikrolegiranim aluminijumom. Princip njegovog delovanja je baziran na spontanom rastvaranju u kontaktu sa vodom, uz generisanje Al(III) i OH– jona, iz kojih konačno nastajaje voluminozni slabo rastvorni Al(OH)3. Imajući u vidu uspešnu primenu kompozita u prečišćavanju voda od velikog broja hemijskih zgađivača, pretpostavljeno je će biti efikasan i u inaktivaciji mikrobiološkog zagađivača vode – E. coli. Eksperimenti su rađeni sa vodenim model rastvorima na bazi prerađene prirodne površinske vode, inokulisane sa E. coli. Tretmani su vršeni u originalnom poluprotočnom sistemu. Rezultati pokazuju da približno na svakih 10 minuta broj E. coli bakterija opadne za jedan red veličine, uz postizanje potpune inaktivacije na kraju tertmana. Zapaženo je da talog Al(OH)3 po završetku tretmana još uvek sadrži malu količinu živih bakterija, koje umiru u relativno kratkom periodu.