Vol.6, No 1, 2008 pp. 99 - 104
DOI 10.2298/FUPCT0801099K
UDC  551.51

Predrag Kolarž1, Dušan Filipović2
1Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes, Institute of Physics, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
2Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, PO Box 368, 11001, Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract. Diurnal atmospheric air-ion concentrations have been investigated at a site where synchronous aerosol, ozone, temperature and relative humidity measurements were also made. Air-ions, temperature and relative humidity were measured with Gerdien type Cylindrical Detector of Air-Ions (CDI-06) made in the Institute of Physics, Belgrade. Ozone and aerosols were measured with commercial instruments owned by the Institute of Public Health, Belgrade. Typical daily variations of the measured parameters were analyzed and showed that air-ions of both signs and ozone are positively correlated, while aerosols show strong inverse correlation with air-ions. Also, concentrations of air-ions and ozone are decreasing with temperature while aerosol concentration and humidity are increasing. These processes could be explained concerning properties of the specified parameters, measuring place properties and weather conditions.
Key words:  air-ions, ozone, radon, aerosols, troposphere, temperature, humidity, Gerdien

Dnevne atmosferske koncentracija jona u vazduhu su merene na mestu gde je takođe vršeno i sinhronizovano merenje aerosola, ozona, temperature i relativne vlažnosti vazduha. Joni u vazduhu, temperatura i relativna vlažnost su mereni pomoću cilindričnog detektora jona u vazduhu (CDI-06) Gerdien tipa, proizvedenog u Institutu za fiziku u Beogradu. Ozon i aerosoli su mereni pomoću komercijalnog instrumenta koji pripada Institutu za zdravlje u Beogradu. Tipične dnevne varijacije izmerenih parametara su analizirane i pokazuju da je koncentracija i pozitivnih i negativnih jona u vazduhu direktno korelisana sa koncentracijom ozona, dok koncentracija aerosola pokazuje jaku inverznu korelaciju sa koncetracijom jona. Takođe, koncetracije jona i ozona opadaju sa porastom temperature, dok koncetracija aerosola i vlažnost vazduha rastu. Ovi procesi mogu biti objašnjeni uzimajući u obzir osobine specifičnih parametara, karakteristike mesta na kome je vršeno merenje i vremenske uslove.