Vol.6, No 1, 2008 pp. 77 - 88
DOI 10.2298/FUPCT0801077I
UDC  539.196

Bogdan C. Ibanescu, Michael Allan
Department of Chemistry, University of Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 9, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

Abstract. A dramatic difference was observed in the reactivity of alcohols and ethers toward free electrons. Whereas the lowest core-excited state of the negative ion - a 2(n,3s2) Feshbach resonance - of the alcohols readily dissociates by losing a hydrogen atom, ethers show no observable signal from this resonance. This difference in reactivity has a parallel in the anomalous shapes and energies of the parent states of the Feshbach resonances, the 1(n,3s) Rydberg states of the neutral alcohols and ethers. We explained this anomaly by means of potential surfaces of the alcohols and ethers calculated using the TD-DFT method as a function of the dissociation coordinate. The lowest excited state of alcohols was found to be repulsive, as a consequence of an avoided crossing between the 3s and 3px Rydberg configurations, whereas a barrier to dissociation was found in the ethers. Rydberg-valence mixing and avoided crossings are decisive in determining the shapes of the potential surfaces. It is concluded that the reactivities of alcohols and ethers toward free electrons are rationalized by assuming that the potential surfaces of the daughter Feshbach resonances closely follow those of the parent Rydberg states, i.e., the lowest Feshbach resonance is repulsive, but a barrier occurs in ethers. The potential surfaces of both the Rydberg states and the Feshbach resonances thus differ dramatically from the non-dissociative surface of the grandparent 2(n-1) positive ions, despite the nominally non-bonding character of the Rydberg electrons.

Uočena je dramatična razlika kod rektivnosti alkohola i etera u odnosu na slobodne elektrone. Kod alkohola, najniže stanje negativnog jona sa pobuđenim atomskim ostatkom - a 2(n,3s2) Feshbach rezonanca – lako disosuje gubljenjem vodonikovog atoma, dok kod etera nije opažen signal koji potiče od ove rezonance. Ova razlika u reaktivnosti može se povezati sa anomalnim oblikom i energijama roditeljskih stanja Feshbach rezonance, 1(n,3s) Ridbergovog stanja kod neutralnih alkohola i etera. Ova anomalija je objašnjena u ovom radu pomoću potencijalnih površina alkohola i etera, koje su računate koristeći TD-DFT metod u funkciji koordinate disocijacije. Dobijeno je da je najniže stanje alkohola odbojno, kao posledica izbegnutog presecanja 3s i 3px Ridbergove konfiguracije, dok kod etera postoji barijera za disocijaciju. Mešanje Ridbergovih i valentnih stanja, kao i izbegnuto presecanje, su odlučujući faktori koji definišu oblik potencijalnih površina. Zaključeno je da se reaktivnost alkohola i etera u odnosu na slobodne elektrone može racionalizovati pod pretpostavkom da potencijalne površine potomka Feshbach resonance blisko prate ponašanje roditeljskog Ridbergovog stanja, t.j. najniža Feshbach rezonanca je odbojna ali kod etera se javlja barijera. Potencijalne površine Ridbergovog stanja i Feshbach resonance se tako dramatično razlikuju od nedisocijativne potencijalne površine praroditeljskog 2(n-1) pozitivnog jona, uprkos nominalno nevezivnom karakteru Ridbergovih elektrona.