Vol.4, No 1, 2006 pp. 57 - 69
UDC 53+504.055

J. Gajević1, M. Stević1, J. Nikolić2, M. Rabasović2, D. Markushev2
1Mathematical High School, Kraljice Natalije 37, 11000 Beograd, Serbia & Montenegro
2Institute of Physics, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Beograd-Zemun,
Serbia & Montenegro, markusev@phy.bg.ac.yu

Abstract. In this paper the basic SF6 molecule physical characteristics are given concerning its influence on global warming and green house effect. Absorption and relaxation characteristics of this molecule have been investigated within the frame of nonlinear molecule – strong laser field interaction in different gas mixtures. All experiments have been performed on a different gas mixture pressures to analyze and investigate relaxation and energy transfer characteristics of absorbing molecules and non-absorbing collision partners. To show the SF6 absorption and relaxation and energy transfer capability, comparison between SF6 and C2H4 was given using the same experimental conditions and argon as a buffer gas. All measurement points and their calculated values presented in this paper have been obtained using the infrared-pulsed photoacoustics technique adopted for atmospheric and subatmospheric pressures.
Key words:  multiphoton, laser, molecules, photoacoustics, environment, global warming, greenhouse effects, infrared.

U ovom radu je dat kratak prikaz osnovnih fizičkih karakteristika molekula SF6 i njegov potencijalni uticaj na globalno zagrevanje i efekat staklene bašte. Ispitivane su njegove apsorpcione i relaksacione osobine u okviru nelinearnih interakcija molekula apsorbera sa jakim laserskim poljem u različitim gasnim smešama. Svi eksperimenti rađeni su na različitim pritiscima smeše da bi se dobili odgovarajući rezultati koji karakterišu i relaksacione osobine apsorbera, i njegove mogućnosti prenosa energije na ostale gasne partnere. Da bi se na konkretnom primeru pokazale osobine dobrog apsorbera infracrvenog zračenja na različitim pritiscima, izvršena su poređenja rezultata dobijenih multifotonskom apsorpcijom molekula SF6 i molekula C2H4 u smeši sa argonom pod istim eksperimentalnim uslovima. Sva merenja prikazana u ovom radu dobijena su korišćenjem impulsne fotoakustičke spektroskopije prilagođene za merenja u gasnim smešama na podatmosferskim i atmosferskom pritisku.