Vol.3, No 2, 2005 pp. 115 - 128
UDC 536.7

Yuri Kornyushin
Maître Jean Brunschvig Research Unit,Chalet Shalva, Randogne, CH-3975

Abstract. Simple classical thermodynamic approach to the general description of metastable states is presented. It makes possible to calculate the explicit dependence of the Gibbs free energy on temperature, to calculate the heat capacity, the thermodynamic barrier, dividing metastable and more stable states, and the thermal expansion coefficient. Thermodynamic stability under mechanical loading is considered. The influence of the heating (cooling) rate on the measured dynamic heat capacity is investigated. A phase shift of the temperature oscillations of an ac heated sample is shown to be determined by the relaxation time of the relaxation of the metastable nonequilibrium state back to the metastable equilibrium one. This dependence allows one to calculate the relaxation time. A general description of the metastable phase equilibrium is proposed. Metastable states in AB3 alloys are considered. Reasons for the change from the diffusional mechanism of the supercritical nucleus growth to the martensitic one as the heating rate increases are discussed. The Ostwald stage rule is derived.

Prezentovan je jednostavan klasičan termodinamički pristup u opisu metastabilnih stanja. On omogućava izračunavanje eksplicitne zavisnosti Gibsove slobodne energije od temperature, toplotni kapacitet, termodinamička barijera koja razdavaja metastabilna stanja od onih stabilnijih, kao i toplotni koeficijent širenja. Razmatrana je termodinamička stabilnost pod mehaničkim opterećenjem, kao i uticaj brzine zagrevanja (hlađenja) na dinamički toplotni kapacitet. Pokazano je da je fazni pomeraj temperaturnih oscilacija određen vremenom relaksacije metastabilnog neravnotežnog stanja u metastabilno stabilno. Razmatrana su metastabilna stanja u AB3  legurama. Izvedeno je Ostvaldovo  pravilo.