Vol.3, No 2, 2005 pp. 95 - 107
UDC 537.569/.534.8
Vidosav Lj. Marković, Saša R. Gocić, Suzana N. Stamenković
Department of Physics, University of Niš, P.O. BOX 224, 18001 Niš,
Serbia and Montenegro
Abstract. Memory effect - the long time variation of the
electrical breakdown time delay on the relaxation time was
observed in argon up to relaxation times of 24 hours and explained by
the long-lived metastable states remaining from the preceding glow.
However, the quenching processes which reduce the effective lifetime of
metastable states several orders of magnitude below that relevant for
the time scale of the observations were neglected. By applying
approximate gas phase models it was found that the early afterglow
kinetics up to hundreds of milliseconds is dominated by the decay of
molecular argon ions Ar2+ and approximate value of their ambipolar
diffusion coefficient is determined. After that, nitrogen atoms present
as impurities and recombining on the cathode surface and/or field
emission determine the breakdown time delay down to the cosmic rays and
natural radioactivity level.
Key words: electrical
breakdown, time delay, memory effect, argon, metastable states.
Memorijski efekat tj. zavisnost srednje vrednosti vremena kašnjenja
električnog proboja u funkciji vremena relaksacije je
primećen u argonu i do 24 časa nakon prekida pražnjenja i objašnjen je
dejstvom metastabilnih stanja zaostalih iz prethodnog pražnjenja.
Međutim, pri tome je zanemareno sudarno gašenje metastabilnih stanja
što njihovo efektivno vreme života redukuje do nivoa reda mili- i
mikrosekundi u datim eksperimentalnim uslovima. U ovom radu je pokazano
na osnovu aproksimativnih gasno-faznih modela da je rani memorijski
efekat do stotinu milisekundi nakon prekida ražnjenja određen raspadom
molekulskih jona argona Ar2+ i određena je približna vrednost
njihovog koeficijenta ambipolarne difuzije. Nakon toga, rekombinacija
atoma azota (prisutnih kao nečistoće) na površini katode i/ili emisija
poljem određuju vreme kašnjenja proboja sve do nivoa kosmičkog zračenja
i prirodne radioaktivnosti okoline.