Vol.3, No 1, 2004 pp. 41 - 52
UDC 66.097.3-039.7 : 549.623.9 + 621.6.031

Vesna S. Cvetković1, Jelena M. Purenović2, Aleksandra R. Zarubica3
1Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Priština-Kosovska Mitrovica, 38000 Priština, Serbia and Montenegro
2Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, 18000 Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
3Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Niš, 18000 Niš,
Serbia and Montenegro

Abstract. Due to the fact that oxidation-reduction potential and rH2 value of every water are its crucial features, numereous efforts have been made to use electrochemical means for water preparation. In this paper, we report the results of electrochemical influence research of magnesium-aluminium silicate catalyst, in the form of ceramics made of kaolinite and bentonite clays, on the rH2, pH and EOR changes of the waters of particular characteristics in the wanted direction. Particularly, the possibility of changing "active water" characteristics was investigated. The composite made with microalloyed aluminium exhibits a very negative stationary potential and its interaction with water results in water reduction. Addition of some active components to the mixture of kaolin and bentonite can provide clay mixtures, which after sintering at high temperatures produce very porous ceramics with microcrystalline and amorphous regions of stoichiometric and nonstoichiometric new oxides and some metallized surface (in our case-mainly with magnesium surplus). Nonstoichiometric oxide mixtures and metallized amorphous ceramics regions show high electrochemical and chemical activities in contact with water. This leads to redox potential changes and appearance of Mg2+ ions in the magnesium aluminium silicate-water system.
Key words:  "active water", composite, electrochemical characteristics, kaolinite- bentonite substrate, microalloyed aluminium, "passive water"

Usled činjenice da oksido-redukcioni potencijal i rH2 vrednosti vode jesu njene presudne odlike, brojni napori su učinjeni u smislu korišćenja elektrohemijskih sredstava za pripremu vode. U ovom radu, saopštavamo rezultate ispitivanja elektrohemijskog uticaja magnezijum-aluminijum silikatnog katalizatora, u obliku keramike sačinjene od kaolinitne i bentonitne gline, na promene rH2, pH i EOR voda sa posebnim karakteristikama u željenom pravcu. Posebno je ispitivana mogućnost promene karakteristika "aktivne vode". Kompozit sačinjen sa mikrolegiranim aluminijumom pokazuje veoma negativni stacionarni potencijal, a njegova interakcija sa vodom rezultira redukcijom vode. Dodatak pojedinih aktivnih komponenata smeši kaolina i bentonita, može obezbediti smeše gline, koje posle sinterovanja na visokim temperaturama, daju veoma porozne keramike sa mikrokristalnim i amorfnim površinama novih stehiometrijskih i nestehiometrijskih oksida i izvesnu metaliziranu površinu (u našem slučaju-uglavnom sa viškom magnezijuma). Nestehiometrijske oksidne smeše i površine metaliziranih amorfnih keramika pokazuju visoke elektrohemijske i hemijske aktivnosti u kontaktu sa vodom. Ovo vodi promenama redoks potencijala i pojavi Mg2+ jona u magnezijum-aluminijum silikat-vodenom sistemu.