Vol.2, No 5, 2003 pp. 285 - 291
UDC 533.92

R N. V. Novaković1, B. S. Milić2, S. M. Stojilković3, D. Ž. Gajić1
1Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Niš, Serbia
2Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, P.O.Box 368, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia
3Faculty of Electronics, University of Niš, P.O.Box 73, 18001 Niš, Serbia

Abstract. In this paper some results of numerical evaluation of transport coefficients in plasmas in the mixtures of argon and fluorine are presented. These transport characteristics are given in the function of the temperature for low pressures ranging from 0,1 kPa to 1,0 kPa and for low temperatures between 500 K and 5 000 K in argon plasmas with 20% and 30% of the fluorine added. It is assumed that the system is kept under constant pressure and that a corresponding state of local thermodynamical equilibrium (LTE) is attained in it. The equilibrium plasma composition, necessary for the evaluations, was determined on the ground of the Saha equations for ionization processes and the law of mass action for the thermal dissociation of F2, combined with the charge conservation relation and the assumption that the pressure remained constant in the course of temperature variations. The ionization energy lowering, required in conjunction with the Saha equations, was obtained with the aid of a modified expression for the plasma Debye radius proposed previously. A previously derived expression for the modified Debye radius, offering the possibility to treat the plasmas considered as weakly non-ideal in the whole temperature range, is used. The cut-off at the Landau length rather than of the smallest of ionic radii is introduced. This alteration in the evaluation procedure brings different considerable changes in the final numerical results for the all relevant quantities.
Key words:  argon, fluorine, weakly non-ideal plasma, number density, electron and ion diffusion coefficients, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, collision frequency.

Dati su neki rezultati numeričkog izračunavanja transportnih koeficijenata u plazmi smeše argona i fluora. Ove transportne karakteristike su date u funkciji temperature za niske pritiske (od 0,1 kPa do 1,0 kPa) i za niske temperature (od 500 K do 5 000 K) u argonovoj plazmi sa dodatkom 20 % i 30% fluora. Uzeto je da je sistem na konstantnom pritisku u stanju lokalne termodinamičke ravnoteže. Korišćen je modifikovani izraz za Debye-ev radijus, što je omogućilo da posmatrana plazma bude tretirana kao slabo neidealna u celom temperaturnom intervalu. Uzeta je Landau-ova dužina u izrazu za modifikovan Debye-ev radijus umesto manjeg jonskog radijusa. Ovakav izbor pri izračunavanju daje različite promene u konačne numeričke rezultate.