Facta Universitatis, Series Physical Education and Sport (Facta Univ Phys Educ Sport) is the official international publication of the University of Niš. It publishes current facts about human movement which are specially connected with: physical education, sports, sport games, dance, sport coaching, sport training, sport medicine, sport physiology, sport psychology, sport sociology, sport philosophy, sport history, recreation, fitness, biomechanics, kinesitherapy, health and exercise.
The journal publishes original research articles, review articles and preliminary research reports contributing to the knowledge about human movement in training and physical exercise.
The journal is published thrice a year (April, August, December).

A research article should report original research, presenting all the standard elements of a scientific investigation: the INTRODUCTION, METHOD (including participants, instruments and procedure), RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REFERENCES and LEGENDS (Illustrations, Tables and Equations).
A review article is a critical evaluation of material that has already been published. A review article should include an analysis, evaluation, and synthesis and should not just be a reproduction of scientific facts. It is composed of the following sections: problem definition, summary of previous research, explanation of subject matter inter-relations, contradictions, problems and suggestions for further research. It includes the following sections: the INTRODUCTION, MAIN TEXT, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REFERENCES and LEGENDS (Illustrations, Tables and Equations).
A preliminary research report should present the findings of a research report, outlining all the standard elements of scientific investigation. It represents a short report on the completed part of an original research project which is still in progress. Reports of professional practices will need to demonstrate academic rigor, preferably through an analysis of program effectiveness, and should go beyond mere description. A preliminary research report includes the following sections: the INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REFERENCES and LEGENDS (Illustrations, Tables and Equations).

Authors are requested to submit their articles to:

Marko Aleksandrović, PhD
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
Čarnojevića 10a
18000 Niš, Serbia

General guidelines
The article should be written in a MS Word text editor, font Times New Roman, 12pt. The article should be typed out on a computer and should not exceed 16 pages, with double spacing between the lines, including all tables, illustrations and references. It should be printed on one side only with large margins (2.5cm).

The article must be in English. Authors from non-English speaking countries are requested to have their text thoroughly checked by a competent person. Articles may be rejected on the grounds of poor English. Revisions regarding language errors are the responsibility of the author.

Cover page
The title page gives details on all of the authors. The author presents his/her surname, first name, degrees, complete address (also his/her co-workers’), telephone number and e-mail address.
It should contain the English TITLE of the manuscript.
The corresponding author should be identified (this includes his telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address).
All of the co-authors’ full names, affiliated institutions, and postal addresses must also be provided.
Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
The cover page should include two statements: "We, the undersigned Authors, transfer the ownership of copyright to the journal Facta Universitatis, Series Physical Education and Sport, should our work be published.
We declare that the article is original, has not been submitted for publication in other journals and has not already been published".
"We declare that the research reported in the paper was undertaken in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, revised 1983."
The cover page must be signed personally by the corresponding authors. A template cover page is available and can be downloaded from the journal homepage on the Internet.

Second page
An ABSTRACT which does not exceed 200 words should be provided on a separate page. It should briefly describe the problems being addressed in this study, how the study was performed, the pertinent results and what the authors conclude from the results, respectively. The abstract should be written in English and Serbian (translation will be organised by the Editorial Board for non-Serbian speaking authors). The abstract should be a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article (the problem, method, findings, including statistically significant levels, conclusions and implications).

Below the abstract: KEY WORDS, not more than 5 in total, accurately describing the contents of the manuscript. They should be written in English and Serbian.

Introduction: this section should state the purpose of the paper, the reasons for the research and relevant findings of prior research projects.
The Method section is usually divided into: the Subject sample (Participants), Measures (Apparatus or Materials) and Procedures. The procedures (Procedures) should be described in such detail as to enable repetition of the experiment and gathering of comparable data. Any statistical method must be outlined in detail in the subjects and method section, and any methods not in common use should be described fully or supported by references.
Limit the number of tables and illustrations to the minimum and use them only as a qualification and support of your statements. Use graphs as an alternative to tables, but do not duplicate the information in tables and graphs. Define the statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols. All given units should be in accordance with the international metric system, and decimal points should be used. The results should be presented in the text, tables and illustrations in a logical order. Do not repeat the data from the tables or illustrations in the text, and present only important findings.
Compare the results of the research with previous research projects. Connect the conclusion with the aims of the article, but avoid statements and conclusions that do not follow from outlined research. Emphasis should be put on new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow. Do not repeat data or other information given in the introduction or the results in detail. Connect the conclusions with the aims of the article, but avoid statements and conclusions that do not follow from your data.
A conclusion section must be included. Succinctly summarize the implications of findings as previously discussed. Do not make sweeping statements or conclusions that extend beyond your data.
An acknowledgement section may be added after the conclusion, if desired.

The references in the text should be cited according to the APA system (see: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition, 2001; see also:
When an original quotation is used, always state the author, the year and the page where the quotation can be found in the given text, and in the reference summary state a full quotation by the source.
Andrews, 1999, 63 or Andrews (1999, 63)
Andrews et al., 1999, 63, if more than 5 authors and repeated quotation
Davis & Cox (2002, 25)
Kocsis, Kiss, & Knoll (1999, 12).
Works which are still in the press, mark as "in press".
In the event of more works in one year, add the suffixes "a", "b" etc. (Kocsis, 1999a, 1999b).
The quotations are marked in analogue form in the literature summary.
In other articles: according to Parizkova, 1966, 1968; Staffieri, 1967; Stefanik, Heald, & Mayer, 1959; Alexander & Anriacchi, 2001; Sommer et al., 1996.
A similar conclusion was reached by Kocsis (1999), Kocsis et al. (1998), Kocsis & Kiss (1999), Kocsis, Kiss, Knoll, & Jurak (1999), Overman (1998, 1999) and other authors.

Reference summary
It is always stated at the end of a written task. It only mentions those sources which support the written work and are referred to in the text.
Individual quotations in the reference summary are not to be given numbers.
The order of quotations in the reference summary follows the alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author.
The sequence is by letter in alphabetical other.
References are sequenced according to the year of publication, the older ones cited first.
Paunonen, S. (1995).
Paunonen, S. (1998).
Paunonen, S. (in press).
The reference of one author precedes those of several authors, which begin with the same name. Weiner, S. (1994). Weiner, S., & Lourie, A. (1992).

Periodicals (Regularly published journals, magazines, memorial volumes etc.):
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1999). Name of the article. Name of the magazine, Vol (Number), Pages.
Bullen, B., Reed, R., & Mayer, J. (1964). Physical activity of obese and nonobese adolescent girls appraised by motion picture sampling. American Journal Clinical Nutrition, (14), 211.
Overman, S. (1999). Sporting and recreational activities of students in the mideval universities. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education, 1 (6), 25-33.

Non-periodicals (books, monographs, unscheduled published memorial volumes, lecture notes, brochures, etc.):
Author, A. A. (1994). Name of the work. Place: Publisher.
Kostić, R. (2001). Ples, teorija i praksa (Dance, theory and practice). Niš: "Grafika Galeb".
Medved, V. (2001). Measurement of human locomotion. New York: CRC Press LLC.

A section from a non-periodical (i.e. chapter in a memorial volume, book, etc.):
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1994). Name of the chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor, Name of the book (pp. xxx-xxx). Place: Publisher.
Lejmen, M.E. (1984). Doprinos igre i sporta emocionalnom zdravlju (Contribution of game and sports to emotional health). In E. Dž. Kejn, Psihologija i sport (Psychology and sport) (pp.235-265). Beograd: Nolit.

Article from the proceedings of a conference, congress or symposium:
Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (2001). Name of the article. In A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds), Name of a conference, congress or symposium (pp. xxx-xxx). Place: Publisher.
Kukolj, M., & Ugraković, D. (1997). Nasleđe kao osnova motoričkog ponašanja (Heredity as the basis of motor behavior). U R. Kostić (Ur), Šesti međunarodni simpozijum "Fis komunikacije 1997" u fizičkom vaspitanju, sportu i rekreaciji (Sixth International Congress "Fis Communications'97" in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation) (pp. 218-225). Niš: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, Institut fizičke kulture.

Bachelor's, master's, doctoral thesis
Vest, A.L. (1995). Model nekaterih energijskih značilnosti kajakašev (Model of some energy-characteristics of water-slalom kayakers). Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana: Fakulteta za sport.

WWW (Internet): Electronic reference formats recommended by the American Psychological Association. (1999, November 19). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Retrieved May 3, 2000, from the World Wide Web:

Articles from Internet-only journals
VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (18.02.2001). Role of non-reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Gastric Research, 5, Article 0001a. Retrieved 27.02.2001, from http:

This category includes: photographs, schemata, diagrams, algorithms and other graphic material.
Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are referred to. They should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. All illustrations should be prepared by computer software, each printed on a separate page. Each figure should be saved in a standard graphics format (EPS, JPG, PDF, GIF, TIF). It must be made absolutely clear in the text where these illustrations should be included. All figures are to have a caption. Each illustration should have a number and a title. Legends to illustrations should be given at the foot of the illustration. If illustrations contain symbols, arrows, numbers or letters, these should be explained in detail in the legend. Line drawings: Good quality printouts on white paper produced in black ink are required. All lettering, graph lines and points on graphs should be sufficiently large and bold to permit reproduction when a diagram has been reduced to a size suitable for inclusion in the journal. Do not use any type of shading on computer-generated illustrations. Photographs: Original photographs must be supplied as they are reproduced (e.g. black and white or colour).

Tables should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable caption. Tables should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. It should be clearly stated where they are to be inserted within the text (e.g. "Place Table 1 here"). Each table should be printed on a separate sheet. Tables should not duplicate any results presented elsewhere in the manuscript (e.g. in graphs). All the necessary explanations and a legend of the abbreviations have to be provided.

When giving equations, please simplify the complex formulas and check them carefully. Place short and simple equations in the line of text, which should not project above or below the line. To display complex equations, start with a new line with a double space above and below the equation. Number the displayed equations consecutively, with the number in parenthesis near the right margin of the page. In articles where complex equations are a fundamental part of the manuscript and it is impossible to present their development in full, we advise that the authors present the missing parts in the form of a separate informal written communication to the reviewer. All special characters (where there might be doubt) should be accompanied by a note on the margin of the text.

All manuscripts, written according to the instructions above will be evaluated via blind review by at least two reviewer. The reviewers are chosen by the editor. Assessments by the reviewer will be presented anonymously to the author and, in the case of substantial reservations, the article will be returned to the author for correction. The author shall again send the Board a corrected copy of the article, with a list of corrections on a separate page; once again, the article should be sent by e-mail.
The Editorial Board guaranties non-disclosure during the reviewing and publication process. The authors (co-authors) of the accepted articles shall receive one copy of the journal on publication.
Review form.
