Vol.1, No 6, 1999 pp. 51 - 58
UDC 796.03: 591.112.1
Professional Paper
Tomislav Okičić
Swimming club "Sveti Nikola" - Niš
Abstract. The subject of research of this paper is the study of
the influence of sports experience length on reaction of cardiovascular
system observed through pulse frequency in state of resting, in exercise
and in recovery at sportsmen. The goal of the research of this paper is
to establish the importance of differences of the observed variables between
two groups of tested persons. The first group of tested persons included
30 swimmers aged 11-12 years, with sports experience length 1-3 years,
and the second group included 15 water-polo players aged 16-17 years, with
sports experience length 4-11 years. For the requirements of this research,
the sample of variables included the following ones: age, sports experience
length, height in cm, corporal mass in kg, and the speed of swimming on
43 meters. The functional variable which was monitored is the pulse frequency:
1. in state of resting, 2. immediately after the exercise, 3. in the first
minute after the end of exercise, 4. in the second minute after the end
of exercise, 5. in the firth minute after the end of exercise. For all
the variables that are the subject of this research, the basic descriptive
statistical parameters were calculated: arithmetic mean value, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation, minimal and maximal value. The statistical
importance of differences of arithmetic mean values of the examined variables
was determined by student's T- test. The coefficient of correlation in
the whole applied system of variables will also be calculated. The results
that we got show that the pulse frequency in state of resting is, on average,
lower at sportsmen (water-polo players) who, on average, have longer sports
experience (4 years) in comparison to the sportsmen (swimmers) with shorter
sports experience (2 years). Body height and mass, at water-polo players,
have the effect on higher pulsation after the exercise and also, on slower
recovery, which is especially manifested in the second minute of recovery.
Key words: speed of swimming, sports experience length,
pulse frequency, recovery of a sporsman..
Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je ispitivanje uticaja dužine sportskog
staža na reakciju kardiovaskularnog sistema sagledavanu kroz frekvenciju
pulsa u miru, opterećenju i oporavku kod sportista. U ovom radu cilj je
bio da se utvrdi značajnost razlika posmatranih varijabli između dve grupe
ispitanika. Prvu grupu ispitanika je činilo 30 plivača starih 11-12 godina
sa sportskim stažom 1-3 godine, a drugu 15 vaterpolista starih 16 -17godina
i sportskim stažom 4-11 godina. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja uzorak varijabli
su sačinjavale sledeće varijable: starost, sportski staž, visina u cm i
masa tela u kg, brzina plivanja na 43m. Od funkcionalnih varijabli praćena
je frekvencija pulsa: 1. u miru, 2. neposredno po opterećenju, 3. u prvom
minutu po prekidu opterećenja, 4. u drugom minutu po prekidu opterećenja,
5. u petom minutu po prekidu opterećenja. Za sve varijable koje su predmet
ovog istraživanja izračunati su osnovni deskriptivni statistički parametri:
Aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, koeficijent varijacije, minimalna
i maksimalna vrednost. Statistička značajnost razlika aritmetičkih sredina
ispitivanih varijabli određena je studentovim T-testom. Izračunat je i
koeficijent korelacije u celom primenjenom sistemu varijabli. Dobijeni
rezultati pokazuju da je frekvencija pulsa u miru u proseku niža kod sportista
(vaterpolista) koji u proseku imaju duži sportski staž (4 godine) u odnosu
na sportiste (plivače) kraćeg sportskog staža (2 godine). Visina i masa
tela kod vaterpolista utiču na veću pulsaciju nakon opterećenja kao i na
sporiji oporavak koji se naročito ogleda u drugom minutu oporavka.
Ključne reči: brzina plivanja, sportski staž, frekvencija pulsa, oporavak