Vol.1, No 6, 1999 pp. 25 - 33
UDC -053.5 (439)
Review Paper

Steven J. Overman
Jackson State University, Jackson, MS USA

Abstract. The medieval universities of Europe were the prototypes for higher education throughout the Western world. The activities of students who attended these institutions provide historical insights into student life in an era before physical education and or-ganized recreation became part of university education. This expository study is based on material derived from the statutes and regulations of the medieval universities, and the few extant journals and diaries of medieval students, which chronicle their sporting and recreational activities.
The regulatory attitude of the university masters regarding student sport and recrea-tion is explored within the context of medieval conceptions of education and models of the scholarly life. The intent and success of university regulations is analyzed vis-a-vis the natural inclinations of students. The study describes leisure time activities within an urban environment including holiday festivals and the Sabbath, and discusses unsavory influences such as gambling, drinking and violence which accompanied some forms of sport and recreation. The study concludes by placing student activities within the context of medieval scholasticism and anticipatory to renaissance humanism.
Key words: medieval, student, university, recreation, sport.

Srednjevekovni univerziteti u Evropi bili su prototipovi za visoko obrazovanje kroz zapadni svet. Aktivnosti studenata koji su pohađali ove institucije obezbeđuju istorijski uvid u studentski život u eri pre nego što su fizičko vaspitanje i organizovana rekreacija postali deo univerzitetskog obrazovanja. Ova studija je bazirana na materijalu koji potiče od statuta i pravila srednjevekovnih univerziteta i malo postojećih časopisa i dnevnika srednjevekovnih studenata sa izveštajima njihovih sportskih i rekreativnih aktivnosti.
Regulisanje stavova univerzitetskih vaspitača obzirom na sport i rekreaciju je istraživano unutar konteksta srednjevekovnih koncepcija obrazovanja i modela školskog sporta. Namera i uspeh univerzitetskih regulativa je analizirana nasuprot prirodne naklonosti studenata. Istraživanje opisuje aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu u urbanom okruženju uključujući festivale za vreme raspusta, "Verski dan odmora" i raspravu o nedoličnim uticajima kakve su imale kocka, piće i nasilje koje je pratilo neke forme sporta i rekreacije. U istraživanju se zaključuje o mestu studentskih aktivnosti unutar srednjevekovnog skolasticizma i anticipirajućeg renesansnog humanizma.
Ključne reči: srednji vek, studenti, univerziteti, sport, rekreacija