Vol.1, No 5, 1998 pp.55- 60
UDC 796.034.6/796.011.5:178
Professional paper

Dragan Radovanović1, Dragoljub Jovanović2, Goran Ranković2
1Faculty of Physical Education, Niš, 2Institute for Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Niš
University of Niš, Serbia and Montenegro

Abstract. Association of the notion of doping with the first-class, professional sport by the bulk of physicians, coaches and psychologists brought to the epidemical expansion of the use of doping substances and methods by nonprofessional sportsmen. Data obtained from the investigations conducted in the country and abroad, points to the necessity of prevention and reduction in the incidence of doping drug use in this numerous sportsmen category. Considering the motives for doping drug use in professional and nonprofessional sport, authors wanted to contribute to a better understanding of this problem. At the same time, authors propose a comprehensive plan of prevention and reduction in doping drug use incidence in nonprofessional sportsmen. As a base, the plan contains 1. Informative-educative work on the effect of doping on health, 2. optimal nutrition planning, 3. supplementation planning, and 4. individual training system planning, all in accordance with the personality features, sports discipline and goals that a nonprofessional sportsman sets for himself.
Key words: doping, nonprofessional sport, prevention, incidence.

Vezivanje pojma doping samo za vrhunski, profesionalni sport od strane većeg dela lekara, trenera i psihologa dovelo je do epidemijske ekspanzije korišćenja doping supstanci i metoda kod neprofesionalnih sportista. Podaci iz istraživanja rađenih u svetu i kod nas ukazuju na neophodnost preventivnog rada i smanjivanja incidence korišćenja dopinga kod ove, veoma brojne, kategorije sportista. Autori kroz razmatranje motiva za korišćenje dopinga u profesionalnom i u neprofesionalnom sportu žele da doprinesu boljem razumevanju ovog problema. Istovremeno autori predlažu obuhvatni plan za prevenciju i smanjenje incidence korišćenja dopinga kod neprofesionalnih sportista. Plan kao osnovu sadrži: 1. informativno-edukativni rad o uticaju dopinga na zdravlje, 2. planiranje optimalne ishrane, 3. planiranje suplementacije i 4. planiranje individualnog sistema treniranja, sve u skladu sa karakteristikama osobe, sportske discipline i željenih ciljeva koje neprofesionalni sportista postavlja pred sobom.
Ključne reči: doping, neprofesionalni sport, prevencija, incidenca.