Vol.1, No 5, 1998 pp. 47-53
UDC 796.13:613.86
Mara Kerić
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of teacher - Sombor, Serbia and Montenegro
Abstract. Usage of game and sport is justified in therapy, especially
while treating behaviour of mentaly ill and emotionally unstabled persons,
and the criminals as well. Psychoanalytics theories of game point out of
some of its exceptional therapeuticaly possibilities. Game is "valve" for
unpleasant feelings, generator of joy, ecstasy and others pleasant emotions.
In game and sport, a child-player, develops his own functions and skills:skills
for observing, understanding of space relations and for concluding. He
increases his self-confidence, establishes motives for work,motives that
are inspired and have special power. In this work there were mentioned
research works which point out the connection of game, sport and emotional
health. There was also pointed out the significance of game and sport regarded
as therapeuticaly means.
Key words: game, sport, emotional health, mental health.
Igra i sport se opravdano koriste u terapiji, naročito ponašanja, kako
mentalno obolelih i emotivno nestabilnih osoba, tako i delikvenata. Psihoanalitičke
teorije igre ukazuju na njene izuzetne terapeutske mogućnosti. Igra je
"ventil" za neprijatna osećanja, generator radosti, zanosa i drugih prijatnih
emocija. U igri i sportu, dete-igrač, razvija svoje funkcije i različite
sposobnosti: sposobnosti opažanja, shvatanja prostornih odnosa i zaključivanja.
Ono povećava svoje samopouzdanje, učvršćuje motive za rad, motive nadahnuća
koji imaju posebnu snagu. U radu su istaknuta istraživanja koja ukazuju
na povezanost igre, sporta i emocionalnog zdravlja. Takođe je ukazano na
značaj igre i sporta kao terapeutskog sredstva.
Ključne reči: igre, sport , emocionalno zdravlje, mentalno zdravlje.