Vol.1, No 5, 1998 pp. 21- 27
UDC 796.012.11:591.473-035.56
Scientific paper

J. Mészáros, Y. Soliman, M. Othman, J. Mohácsi
Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary

Abstract.  As an independent aspects, body size, physique, body composition and physiological performance of elite athletes have aroused the interest of exercise scientists, but studies that combine these aspects in elite athletes are scarcely available.
The aim of the present study was to describe the selected anthropometric and exercise physiological characteristics of some Hungarian top athletes.
The investigated subjects were qualified Hungarian water polo players (n = 25), paddlers (n = 24) and modern pentathlonists (n = 20), all of whom had been medalists at several continental and intercontinental competitions. The athletes' body composition was estimated by the Drinkwater-Ross (1980) body mass fractionation technique. Peak physiological performance was estimated by graded exhausting spiroergometric treadmill exercise.
Intergroup differences in mean height, body mass and body composition characteristics were significant at the 5% level of random error. By the results of spiroergometry, all the three groups compared could be qualified as physically excellently trained. The greatest oxygen uptake relative to body mass was found in the modern pentathlonists (73.22 mL x kg-1 x min-1) and the lowest one (59.79) in the water polo players. The authors do not disregard the favourable effects of regular and adequate trainings in the development of the studied characteristics, but in their opinion the process of proper selection has been the most important factor that explains the observed significant intergroup differences.
Key words: athletes, relative bone, muscle and fat mass, relative aerobic power.

Kao nezavisni vid, telesna mera, sastav tela, fizičko i fiziološko dostignuće elitnih sportista pobuđivalo je interesovanje kineziologa, mada su studije koje kombinuju ove aspekte kod vrhunskih sportista jedva dostupne. Cilj ove studije je bio da se opišu odabrane antropometrijske i motoričko-fiziološke karakteristike nekih mađarskih vrhunskih sportista. Ispitivani subjekti su bili kvalifikovani mađarski vaterpolo igrači (n = 25), veslači (n = 24) i moderni višebojci (n = 20) od kojih su svi bili osvajači medalja na nekoliko kontinentalnih i interkontinentalnih takmičenja. Telesna kompozicija sportista je procenjivana pomoću "Drinkwater-Ros" (1980) frakcione tehnike za masu tela.
Vrhunsko funkcionalno dostignuće je procenjivano gradacijom izdisaja vežbanjem na spiroergometrijskom "tredmilu". Intergrupne razlike u prosečnim vrednostima, karakteristike telesne mase i telesne kompozicije su bile značajne na .005. Kod rezultata spiroergometrije sve tri komparirane grupe se mogu okvalifikovati kao fizički odlično pripremljene (utrenirane). Najveća relativna potrošnja kiseonika u odnosu na masu tela utvrđena je kod modernih petobojaca, a najmanja kod vaterpolo igrača. Autori ne negiraju favorizovane efekte redovnog i odgovarajućeg treninga u razvoju ispitivanih karakteristika, ali prema njihovom mišljenju, proces pravilne selekcije je bio najznačajniji faktor koji objašnjava posmatrane značajne intergrupne razlike.
Ključne reči: sportisti, relativna masa kostiju, mišića, masnog tkiva, relativna aerobna snaga.