Vol.1, No 5, 1998 pp. 11 - 19
UDC 796:167.6
Professional paper

Radomir Kostić
Faculty of physical education, University of Niš, Serbia and Montenegro 
Abstract. Research on lawful principles in sport is an indispensable content of the theory and phylosophy of sport. Which part of that theory is going to deal with those principles is insignificant.
Phylosophy of sport should epmhasise some characteristics of the phylosophic cognitive process.
Phylosophy of sport in relation to the exactness of the science in sport plays a role of the predecesor. Phylosophy is able to create possible images of sport which science and experience - practice with their methodology confirm of reject. A power of prediction is not granted to the phylosophy, it is sought for from other sciences. Images of sport created by the phylosophy of sport represent metaphysical categories and they have nothing to do or at leat not apparent obligatory connections to the realistic – exact categories of sport.
Lawful principles in sport show at the same time a unity of form and inner-spiritually shaped being which belongs to sport as a distinct anthropological discipline. Phylosophy and theory of sport do not take over the competence of the other science disciplines by dealing with general lawful principles and categories of the overall cognition.
Global principles of cognition and cognition in sport indicate typical relation of cognition in general and specific (sports) cognition and bring about respectful shaping of factual knowledge in sport.
This paper attempts to classify the lawful principles in sport into the principles of synthesis, differentiation, sports development, elementary causalities,shaping of the cognition and transformation of the lower laws into higher ones.
Key words: Phylosophy of sport, theory of sport, cognition, classification of laws

Proučavanje zakonitosti u sportu je neophodan sadržaj teorije i filozofije sporta. Koji će se deo teorije baviti zakonitostima od drugorazrednog je značaja.
Filozofija sporta treba da istakne neke osobenosti filozofskog saznajnog procesa. Filozofija sporta prema egzaktnosti nauke u sportu ima ulogu prethodnice. Filozofija ima mogućnost da stvara moguće saznajne slike sporta, koje nauka i iskustvo - praksa svojom metodologijom potvrđuje ili odbacuje. Moć predviđanja filozofija ne dobija sama po sebi, već je crpe iz moći drugih nauka. Slike sporta koje iscrtava filozofija sporta su metafizičke kategorije i nemaju nikakve ili bar ne nužne veze sa realističko-egzaktnim kategorijama sporta.
Zakonitosti u sportu pokazuju istovremeno jedinstvo forme i unutar-duhovno oblikovano biće koje pripada sportu, kao posebnoj anropološkoj disciplini. Filozofija i teorija sporta ne preuzimaju kompetencije drugih naučnih disciplina time što se bave opštim zakonitostima i kategorijama opšteg saznavanja. Opšte zakonitosti saznanja i saznanja u sportu izražavaju tipičnost odnosa saznanja u opštim i specijalnim (sportskim) saznanjima i izazivaju odgovarajuće oblikovanje činjenične građe u sportu.
Ovim radom učinjen je pokušaj klasifikovanja zakonitosti u sportu na zakonitosti sinteze, diferencijacije, sportskog razvoja, elementarnih kauzaliteta, oblikotvornosti saznanja i preobražavanja nižih zakona u više.
Ključne reči: filozofija sporta, teorija sporta, saznanje, klasifikacija zakona.