Vol.1, No 4, 1997 pp. 7 - 13
UDC 796.001.4
Nenad Živanović
Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Physical Culture, Niš, Yugoslavia
Abstract. Language is not only the oldest cultural monument of mankind
and its ornament but also the bond among people. And this bond is the secret
that is noticed only when one plunges into words and tries to get to the
heart of their meanings. Among the best miners and searchers, along with
poets and men of letters, are the professionals from particular fields.
Taking care of the language of their profession, they also take care of
precision and beauty, in order to achieve better communication by using
that language. Terminological dilemmas of our profession, from its (very)
name and its science, its scientific disciplines and terms, to those tiny
and apparently not very important words, are the challenge that lures but
it also requires, together with professional expertise, a great deal of
patience and goodwill as well.
Jezik je, ne samo najstariji ljudski kulturni spomenik i njegov ukras,
već i spona među ljudima. A ta spona je tajna koja se zapaža tek kada se
uroni u reči i pokuša da pronikne u njihovo značenje. Među najboljim rudarima
i tragačima su, uz pesnike i književnike, i poslenici pojedinih struka.
Brinući se o jeziku svoje struke, brinu se o preciznosti i lepoti, kako
bi komunikacija njime bila što bolja. Terminološke dileme naše struke,
od imena i njene nauke, naučnih disciplina i pojmova, pa do onih sitnih
i naoko ne mnogo važnih reči, izazov su koji mami ali i traži, uz stručnost,
i mnogo strpljenja i dobronamernosti.