Vol.1, No 3, 1996 pp. 27 - 35
UDC: 796.012.1
Dragoljub Petković
Faculty of Philosophy, Department for Physical Culture, Niš, Yugoslavia
Abstract. In order to meet the needs of the research being done
on the influence that the anthropological dimensions have upon the results
achieved in the sports gymnastics the fundamental research was carried
out during the work on the ph. dissertation (Todorovski, 1997) entitled
"The Specification Equation of Success in the Sports Gymnastics".
The realization of the experimental program termed "the young hopes in
gymnastics" involved the set of 71 tests in order to estimate: morphological
(16), functional (5), motoric (18), cognitive (3), connate (14) and sociological
domain (8) as well as 7 variables for assessment of the motion habits in
the sports gymnastics (namely, only 5 variables with little girls). The
sample consisted of 117 young athletes (60 boys and 57 girls) of eight
years of age from 12 towns, namely, those who were participants in the
competition system of the Gymnastic Association of Macedonia. It was used
to determine individual (by applying the multi-variant canonical analysis
- Can R %) and overall (by applying the factor analysis as a cumulative
contribution (Cum %) of the extracted variant) contribution of the personality
factor to success in the sports gymnastics. The above-mentioned contribution
of the personality factor (DL) as an anthropological contribution represents
the solution of the first unknown in the success specification equation.
Thus the conditions are made to give an answer to the second part of the
problem - namely, the contribution of the objective factors (0) to the
success. The success in the sports gymnastics is represented as a theoretical,
graphic and - for the first time - as a mathematical model. The canonical
correlation analysis is applied to determine the contribution of the individually
given anthropological dimensions so that it is found out that: - In the
morphological domain an important influence has been spotted only among
the boys, namely as one characteristic root amounting to 60% of the extracted
variant (Can R%=60) at the level of significance of 95% (P=05). An important
presence of 11 variables has been determined among the boys (body height,
shoulder and pelvis width, circumference of upper arm and forearm, body
mass and the wrinkled-skin forearm) while 6 variables have been determined
among the girls (body height, arm and leg length, elbow diameter, circumference
of forearm and upper arm), - Regarding functional abilities an important
influence has been found out only among the girls with one characteristic
root amounting to 34% of the extracted variant (Can R %=34) at the level
of significance of 96% (P=.04). An important presence of two variables
has been found out among the boys (heart beat frequency at rest and diastolic
blood pressure) while three variables have been found out among the girls
(heart beat frequency at rest, modified Harvard test and maximal oxygen
consumption), - In the motoric domain an important influence has been found
out only among the boys by one characteristic root amounting to 69% of
the extracted variant (Can R%=69) at the level of significance of 100%
(P=.00). What has been found out is the presence of 13 variables among
the boys (coordination, segmentary speed, mobility of shoulders, hips and
backbone, explosive strength of legs, running speed, strength of press
of the left and the right hand, static stomach strength, repetitive strength
of the legs and the stomach) as well as of 5 variables among the girls
(coordination, agility, backbone's mobility, static strength of the arms
and repetitive strength of the legs), - In the cognitive domain, an important
influence has been found out only among the girls with one characteristic
root amounting to 45% of the extracted variant (Can r%=45) at the level
of significance of 100% (P=.00). An important presence is confirmed by
all the three variables among the boys and girls (perceptive and symbolic
reasoning and spatialization), - In the domain of connate dimensions an
important influence has been found out only among the boys with one characteristic
root amounting to 61% of the extracted variant (Can R%=61) at the level
of significance of 99% (P=.01). An important presence has been found out
of 6 variables among the boys (bravery, tension, affectomy, ego strength,
carelessness and super ego) and of 5 variables among the girls (affectomy,
bravery, tension, domination and radicalism-conservatism), and, - In the
domain of the sociological personality dimensions no significant correlation
has been found out either among the boys or girls. An important contribution
has been given by 2 variables among the boys (father's activity in sports
organizations and monthly wages) and by 4 variables among the girls (father's
participation in sports organizations, mother's engagement in sports organizations,
monthly wages, characteristics of the place that the mother comes from).
By applying these results and especially those of the factor analysis (their
cumulative contribution) in the success specification equation in the sports
gymnastics the following indicators have been obtained: - Among the boys
the contribution of the personality dimensions (DL) has been found out
amounting to 43,34%, while of the objective factors (O) it amounts to 56,66%,
and, - Among the girls the contribution of the personality dimensions (DL)
has been found out amounting to 45,65%, while of the objective factors
(O) it amounts to 54,35%. It can easily be seen that the percentage in
defining success of the young athletes in both cases amounts to slightly
more than 50% on the part of the objective factors. This further means
that the success factors that are termed here as the objective factors
must be worked upon more seriously; they refer to the conditions of work
and competition, professional staff, material basis, referee staff, etc.
By improving, that is, by bringing the above mentioned conditions to the
highest possible level, it is possible to program with certainty the contribution
of the personality dimensions to success in the sports gymnastics.
Key Words: anthropological status, anthropological dimensions,
psychosomatic status, integral development, personality structure, success
specification equation
Tokom izrade doktorske disertacije pod nazivom "Jednačina specifikacije
uspeha u sportskoj gimnastici" (Todorovski, 1997) obavljeno je fundamentalno
istraživanje sa ciljem ispitivanja uticaja antropoloških dimenzija na rezultate
u sportu. Realizacija eksperimentalnog programa pod nazivom "mlade nade
u gimnastici" bazirana je na bateriji od ukupno 71 testa za procenu: morfološkog
(16), funkcionalnog (5), motoričkog (18), kognitivnog (3) konativnog (14)
i sociološkog domena (8), kao i 7 varijabli za procenu navika u kretanju
u sportskoj gimnastici (samo 5 varijabli kod grupe koje su činile male
devojčice). Uzorak je činilo 117 mladih sportista - učesnika takmičarskog
sistema Makedonskog gimnastičarskog udruženja - (60 dečaka i 57 devojčica)
starosti 8 godina iz 12 različitih gradova. Na ovom uzorku utvrđivani su
individualni i opšti doprinosi faktora ličnosti na uspeh u sportskoj gimnastici
(individualni primenom multivarijantne kanoničke analize - Can R% i opšti
primenom faktorske analize kao kumulativnog doprinosa (Cum %) izdvojene
varijable). Gore pomenuti doprinos faktora ličnosti (DL), kao jedan od
antropoloških doprinosa, predstavlja rešenje prve nepoznate u jenačini
specifikacije uspeha. Tako su stvoreni uslovi da se da odgovor na drugi
deo problema - doprinos objektivnih faktora (0) na uspeh. Uspeh u sportskoj
gimnastici je predstavljen u formi teoretskog, grafičkog i - po prvi put
- matematičkog modela. Za utvrđivanje doprinosa pojedinačnih antropoloških
dimenzija korišćena je kanonička korelaciona analiza na osnovu koje se
došlo do sledećih zaključaka: - Važan uticaj u morfološkom domenu utvrđen
je samo kod dečaka (Can R%=60) na nivou signifikantnosti od 95% (P=05).
Kod dečaka je utvrđeno značajno prisustvo 11 varijabli (visina tela, širina
ramena i karlice, obim nadlaktice i podlaktice), dok je kod devojčica utvrđeno
6 varijabli (visina tela, dužina ruku i nogu, dijametar lakta, obim podlaktice
i nadlaktice), - U pogledu funkcionalnih sposobnosti utvrđen je značajan
uticaj samo kod devojčica (Can R%=34) na nivou signifikantnosti od 96%
(P=.04). Kod dečaka je utvrđeno značajno prisustvo dve varijable (frekvencija
srčanog rada u mirovanju i dijastolni krvni pritisak), dok su kod devojčica
utvrđene tri varijable (frekvencija srčanog rada u mirovanju, modifikovani
Harvardov test i maksimalni utrošak kiseonika), - U motoričkom domenu utvrđen
je značajan uticaj samo kod dečaka (Can R%=69) na nivou signifikantnosti
od 100% (P=.00). Utvrđeno je prisustvo 13 varijabli kod dečaka (koordinacija,
segmentarna brzina, pokretljivost ramena, kukova i kičme, eksplozivna snaga
nogu, brzina trčanja, snaga stiska leve i desne ruke, statička snaga trbuha,
repetitivna snaga nogu i trbuha), kao i 5 varijabli kod devojčica (koordinacija,
okretnost, pokretljivost kičmenog stuba, statička snaga ruku i repetitivna
snaga nogu), - U kognitivnom domenu, značajan uticaj je utvrđen samo kod
devojčica (Can R%=45) na nivou signifikantnosti od 100% (P=.00) I kod dečaka
i kod devojčica potvrđeno je značajno prisustvo sve tri varijable (perceptivno
i simboličko rasuđivanje i snalaženje u prostoru), - U domenu konativnih
dimenzija utvrđen je značajan uticaj samo kod dečaka (Can R%=61) na nivou
signifikantnosti od 99% (P=.01). Kod dečaka je utvrđeno značajno prisustvo
6 varijabli (hrabrost, napetost, osećajnost, snaga ega, neopreznost i super
ego), kao i 5 varijabli kod devojčica (osećajnost, hrabrost, napetost,
dominacija i radikalizam-konzervativizam), i - U domenu socioloških dimenzija
ličnosti ni kod dečaka, ni kod devojčica nisu utvrđene signifikantne korelacije.
Utvrđen je značajan doprinos dve varijable kod dečaka (aktivnost oca u
sportskim organizacijama i mesečna plata) i četiri varijable kod devojčica
(očevo učešće u sportskim organizacijama, sportska aktivnost majke, mesečna
plata, karakteristike mesta iz koga potiče majka). Primenom ovih rezultata,
a naročito rezultata faktorske analize (njihov kumulativni doprinos) na
jednačinu specifikacije uspeha u sportskoj gimnastici dobijeni su sledeći
pokazatelji: - Utvrđeno je da doprinos dimenzija ličnosti (DL) kod dečaka
iznosi 43,34%, dok, kada su u pitanju objektivni faktori (O), taj postotak
iznosi 56,66%, i - Kod devojčica doprinos dimenzija ličnosti (DL) iznosi
45,65%, a doprinos objektivnih faktora (O) 54,35%. Lako se uočava da je
postotak koji utiče na uspeh mladih sportista u oba slučaja nešto malo
iznad 50% kada se radi o objektivnim faktorima. To dalje znači da se na
faktorima uspeha koji su ovde nazvani objektivnim faktorima mora
raditi ozbiljnije; to se odnosi na uslove rada i takmičenja, stručni tim,
materijalnu osnovu, sudije, itd. Poboljšanjem, odnosno podizanjem gore
navedenih uslova na najviši mogući nivo, otvara se mogućnost za uspešno
programiranje doprinosa dimenzija ličnosti na uspeh u sportskoj gimnastici.
Ključne reči: antropološki status, antropološke dimenzije, psihosomatski
status, integralni razvoj, struktura ličnosti, jednačina specifikacije