Vol.1, No 3, 1996 pp. 9 - 15
UDC: 796.071
Nenad Živanović
Faculty of Philosophy, Department for Physical Culture, Niš, Yugoslavia
Abstract. What stands in the very heart of physical culture (physical
education, sports, recreation) is man who inclines towards horizontal and
vertical alike. For this reason it would do well to point out to the theological
consideration of this problem, because whehenever the almighty Creator
adresses the man, he actually adresses his heart. He does not direct himself
to the man's mind emotions or his will – but directly to his heart. And
he does so because it is only the man's hearth which can harbor all three
major properties of the man: his mind (reason), emotions and will. Only
if these three are in harmony, there is enough space for which essentially
holds them all together. The people involved in this profession have an
intrinsic need for this love and the harmony it provides, bacause the object
of our interest are the both the man and his resources. When we sa resources,
we mean the ones that M. Matić used to speak about, or specifically strength,
speed, endurance, skillfulness and agility... and whatever else given to
the man to crawl, walk, run, jumps, throws, climbs.
U samom središtu fizičke kulture (fizičkog vaspitanja, sporta, rekreacije)
je čovek koji teži kako horizontalnoj tako isto i vertikalnoj komunikaciji.
Zbog toga je dobro ukazati i na teološko razmatranje ovog problema. Kada
se svestvoritelj obraća čoveku, on se obraća njegovom srcu. Ne obraća se
njegovom umu, emocijama, volji - već direktno srcu. A srcu se obraća zato
što jedino u njemu mogu da se smeste ova tri bitna svojstva čoveka: um
(razum), emocije i volja. Ako su oni u skladu, onda postoji i dovoljno
prostora za ljubav koja ih zapravo i drži skupa. Nama je u našoj struci,
neophodna ova ljubav i njom podržavan sklad, jer predmet našeg interesovanja
su čovek i njegova dobra. Kad kažemo dobra, mislimo na dobra o kojima je
govorio i M. Matić, odnosno na ono što zovemo snaga, brzina, izdržljivost,
spretnost i okretnost... i što je čoveku dato da bi mogao da puzi, hoda,
trči, skače, baca, penje se.