Vol. 11, No 3, 2013 pp. 317 - 323
UDC 796.853.23 796.012:612
Review article

Ivan Todorov1, Milovan Bratić2, Mirsad Nurkić2, Dragan Radovanović2
1Olympic Committee of Serbia
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia
E-mail: drananiste@yahoo.com

Abstract. The strong connection between physiological adaptations to training and the level of technical abilities of competitors is often difficult to establish since judo is a sport in which technique is dominant, while the physiological characteristics and their parameters make up the basis on which the judo athlete builds his individual technique and tactics. The aim of the paper is to present the results of our own research carried out over the past decade and to indicate the possible guidelines for designing an effective training plan and program. Anaerobic capacity enables an intensive, but short-term manifestation of maximum muscle strength characteristic for this type of sport. For judo athletes, aerobic capacity is the basis for repetition and extended load during a judo match, and especially during overtime in those cases when the final decision was not made during the usual five-minute match. Top judo athletes are characterized by high values of muscle strength and muscle endurance, especially in the upper body. Ideally, judo athletes should, through an optimum combination of training and a proper diet, maintain the percentage of body fat from 7–10%, with the exception of the highest weight categories.
Key words: judo, training, physiological characteristics, adaptation

Čvrstu vezu između fizioloških adaptacija na trening i nivoa tehničkih sposobnosti takmičara je veoma teško uspostaviti jer je džudo sport u kojem preovlađuje tehnika, dok su fiziološke karakteristike i njihovi parametri samo osnova na kojoj džudista bazira individualnu tehniku i taktiku. Cilj rada je da prikaže rezultate sopstvenih istraživanja sprovedenih tokom protekle decenije i ukaže na moguće smernice pri osmišljavanju efektivnog plana i programa treninga. Anaerobni kapacitet omogućava intenzivno, ali kratkotrajno ispoljavanje maksimalne mišićne snage karakteristične za ovu vrstu sporta. Aerobni kapacitet je džudistima osnova za ponavljane i produžene napore tokom trajanja borbe, a naročito tokom produžetka u slučaju da konačna odluka nije doneta na kraju uobičajenog petominutnog trajanja meča. Vrhunske džudiste karakterišu visoke vrednosti mišićne snage i mišićne izdržljivosti, naročito u gornjem delu tela U idealnom slučaju, džudisti bi trebalo da optimalnom kombinacijom treninga i pravilne ishrane održavaju procenat masnog tkiva od 7–10%, sa izuzetkom najvećih težinskih kategorija.
Ključne reči: džudo, trening, fiziološke karakteristike, adaptacija