Vol. 11, No 3, 2013 pp. 307 - 316
UDC 796.412
Original research article

Tijana Purenović-Ivanović, Ružena Popović, Natalija Stefanović, Nenad Stojiljković
University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia
E-mail: tijana_purenovic@yahoo.co.uk

Abstract. In sports belonging to the group of female aesthetic sports, such as rhythmic gymnastics, success is strongly influenced by visual appeal and body aesthetics, and one of the main reasons is that body size, build, and composition influence sport performance. Also, it is a well-known fact that every sport has its (desirable) morphological prototype, which could be influenced by sports experience. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of gymnasts' years of athletic experience (2.68±1.7) to the anthropometric characteristics, body composition profile and somatotype components of 83 Serbian rhythmic gymnasts, aged 6 to 17 (9.89±2.19 years). The anthropometric variables included body height, the selected breadths and lengths, girths and skinfolds, body composition parameters (body weight, BMI, relative body fat, and relative skeletal muscles), and the Heath‐Carter anthropometric somatotype (endomorphic, mesomorphic, and ectomorphic components). All of the anthropometric data were collected by the ImageJ digital program (according to IBP), and body composition was assessed with the bioimpedance device Omron BF511. The ANOVA followed by the Tukey post hoc HSD test indicated the statistically significant differences among rhythmic gymnasts of different sports experience (in some of the measured parameters), and a regression analysis showed statistically significant influence of the sports experience length only in the group of junior rhythmic gymnasts (pelvis and wrist breadth, p<0.05).
Key words:  rhythmic gymnastics, athletic experience, anthropometric characteristics, body composition, somatotype

U sportovima koji pripadaju grupi estetskih sportova, kao što je ritmička gimnastika, uspeh veoma zavisi od vizuelnog izgleda i estetike tela, a jedan od glavnih razloga za to je što veličina tela, telesna građa i telesni sastav utiču na izvođenje. Takođe, dobro je poznata činjenica da svaki sport ima svoj (poželjan) morfološki prototip, koji može biti pod uticajem sportskog staža. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj dužine sportskog staža (2.68±1.7 godine) na antropometrijske karakteristike, telesni sastav i na komponente somatotipa, kod 83 srpske ritmičke gimnastičarke, uzrasta 6 do 17 godina (9.89±2.19 godina). Antropometrijske varijable podrazumevaju telesnu visinu, izabrane transverzalne, longitudinalne i cirkularne dimenzije, kao i kožne nabore; zatim parametre telesnog sastava (telesna težina, BMI, procenat telesnih masti i skeletnih mišića), i Heath-Carter-ov antropometrijski somatotip (endomorfna, mezomorfna i ektomorfna komponenta). Svi antropometrijski podaci prikupljeni su pomoću digitalnog programa ImageJ (prema IBP), a telesni sastav je utvrđen pomoću uređaja za bioimpedancu (Omron BF511). ANOVA, praćena Tukey post hoc HSD testom, ukazala je na statistički značajne razlike među ritmičarkama različitog sportskog staža (u pojedinim parametrima), a regresiona analiza je utvrdila statistički značajan uticaj sportskog staža samo kod juniorki (širina karlice i dijametar ručnog zgloba, p<0.05).
Ključne reči: ritmička gimnastika, sportski staž, antropometrijske karakteristike, telesni sastav, somatotip