Vol. 11, No 3, 2013 pp. 299 - 305
UDC 796.012.11
Original research article

Miloš Petrović1, Borislav Obradović2, Dragana Golik-Perić3, Saša Bubanj4
1Institute for Biomedical Research into Human Movement and Health, Manchester, United Kingdom
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
3Regional Institute for Sport, Novi Sad, Serbia
4Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia
E-mail: M.PETROVIC@mmu.ac.uk

Abstract. Explosive strength is an important component of sport performance. During dynamic movements, a kinetic chain is responsible for providing take off power and stability, initiated distally at the feet. The purpose of this study was to compare the differences in explosive strength related to foot type (flat feet and normal feet) in three different age groups. The status of the longitudinal foot arch was measured with the computerized digitalized Pedikom System. Explosive strength of the legs was measured by the Kistler force plate expressed in the squat jump, countermovement jump and continuous jumps with straight legs.We hypothesized that foot type therefore may alter the efficiency of such a kinetic chain and subsequently affect explosive strength. We tested three different populations, 80 athletes (age 10±1), 60 adolescent athletes (age 15±1), and 164 students of the Faculty of Sport (age 20±1). All three age groups were divided into sub groups according to the measured status of longitudinal arch (Group A with presence of flat feet and Group B with normal feet). There were no differences in the explosive strength of the legs between the groups. These findings suggest that flat feet are not a disadvantage in performing sport activities, but can certainly cause other postural deformities.
Key words:  explosive strength, longitudinal arch, foot type

Eksplozivna snaga je važna komponenta sportskog uspeha. Tokom dinamičnih pokreta, kinetički lanac je odgovoran za snagu pri odrazu i stabilnost, za koju je potreban odraz sa obe noge. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se porede razlike u eksplozivnoj snazi koje se tiču tipa stopala (normalni ili ravni tabani) na primeru tri različite starosne grupe. Status longitudinalnog luka tabana meren je Pedikom System aparatom. Eksplozivna snaga nogu merena je Kistler aparatom na primeru skoka iz čučnja, skoka u vis iz mirovanja i skakanja pravih nogu.Pretpostavka je bila da tip stopala može da utiče na efikasnost kinetičkog lanca pa samim tim i eksplozivnu snagu. Testirali smo različite grupe ispitanika, 80 sportista (starosti 10±1), 60 sportista omladinaca (starosti 15±1), i 164 studenata Fakulteta za sport (starosti 20±1). Sve tri starosne grupe podeljene su na pod-grupe na osnovu izmerenog status longitudinalnog svoda (Grupa A imala je ravne tabane a Grupa B normalne tabane). Nije utvrđena razlike u pogledu eksplozivne snage nogu između grupa. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da ravna stopala ne predstavljaju prepreku pri izvođenju sportskih aktivnosti, ali sigurno mogu dovesti do drugih posturalnih deformiteta.
Ključne reči: eksplozivna snaga, longitudinalni svod, tip stopala