Vol. 11, No 3, 2013 pp. 275 - 284
UDC 796.85.015:316.628
Original research article

Milan Nešić1, Franja Fratrić1, Vuk Vukašinović2
1Educons University, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia
2Faculty of Sport, Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: mnesic08@yahoo.com

Abstract. Karate as a modern sport is characterized by almost all the identified aspects of human motivation, given that the entire activity takes place within direct social contacts between individuals and groups. The presence of certain types of motives in karate coaches has a special importance because, for the successful performance of this role, regardless of the organizational level and/or the success of a sports organization where they work, they must possess a strong desire to achieve success. Starting from the idea that each individual in the sports personnel, whether a trainer or an athlete, must evaluate how his performance is treated and establish a system of self-evaluation of how much it is worth to be involved, we come to the guideline that the relationship between certain motives that are prevalent in the structure of their motivation is determined by mutual interaction. In line with this, the aim of this study was focused on determining the basic motivational characteristics that determine the work engagement of coaches working in karate organizations on the territory of the AP (autonomous province) of Vojvodina. Based on the research results the structure of motivation of karate coaches in the manifest and latent space was identified, with four latent factors of motivation. The most dominant drivers for the engagement of coaches in karate organizations, above all, were the needs for personal improvement which are reflected through the existence of motives of health, achievement and self-actualization.
Key words:  motivation, karate, coaches

Karate kao savremeni sport karakterišu gotovo svi do sada identifikovani aspekti ljudske motivacije, s obzirom da se celokupna aktivnost odvija u okviru neposrednih socijalnih kontakata pojedinaca i grupa. Prisustvo pojedinih vrsta motiva kod karate trenera ima posebnu važnost, jer je za uspešno obavljanje ove funkcije, bez obzira na nivo organizovanosti i/ili uspešnosti sportske organizacije u okviru koje radi, neophodno prisustvo izražene potrebe za postizanjem uspeha. Polazeći od teze da svaki pojedinac u sportskom kolektivu, bilo da je reč o trenerima ili, pak, sportistima, mora da oceni kako se tretira njegov radni učinak i uspostavi sistem samoprocene koliko se vredi angažovati, dolazi se do odrednice da se u zajedničkoj interakciji određuje i odnos pojedinih motiva koji su dominantni u strukturi njihove motivacije. U skladu sa time cilj istraživanja je bio usmeren na utvrđivanje osnovnih motivacionih karakteristika koje determinišu radno angažovanje trenera u karate organizacijama na području AP Vojvodine. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja identifikovana je struktura motivacije karate trenera u manifestnom i latentnom prostoru, sa četiri izolovana latentna faktora motivacije. Kao najdominantniji pokretači za uključivanje trenera u rad karate organizacija izdvojile su se, pre svega, potrebe za ličnim napretkom koje se ogledaju kroz egzistenicju motiva zdravlja, postignuća i samoaktuelizacije.
Ključne reči: motivacija, karate, treneri